...WAY BACK!!! ;) My last blog post was me catching up on our adventures in November...and this one is going to top that. This post will be catching up on December, January, February, & March. Wowza!! But I really want to get caught up...so here's a summary (most recent first...) of what Adam and I have been up to...and we've enjoyed every minute of it together!
Just last weekend was General Conference...it was so good to listen to the voices of God's servants with my sweetheart :) It was so uplifting...so comforting. The way world is going...well, it's scary. But I know that if Adam and I follow the Prophet of the Lord, together, everything will work out for our good.
During the Priesthood Session (just for men, so Adam was MIA) I went to dinner with my sister & her adorable family who was visiting from Spokane. We ate at
TEXAS Roadhouse...note: their rolls are amazing!
* My sister, Natalie, and her hubby, Duane, with his parent and their
cute kids at Texas Roadhouse *

...then we went back their hotel to change into our swimsuits for a dip in the pool :)
* Our little nephew, Aaron, is the cutest thing alive!
(he's wearing my shoes by the way, heehee) *

Our little Pool Party was a blast!! ;D The kids were all SO excited to play with their new Uncle Adam! (because they live in Washington we don't see them very often...so we SOAK up every minute with them!)

* Jason, our nephew...cute as a button! It's crazy how young kids
are when they start loving technology ;) *

A couple weeks before that, was the church's General Young Women Meeting. Even
though I have been out of Young Women's for a few years now, my sweet mother-in-law
invited me to go with her and some of the Smoot ladies (other side of Adam's family).
* We started out with a delightful luncheon put on by Grandma at the
Joseph Smith Building in Salt Lake...it was delish!
And so sweet to talk to the girls:) *

INTRODUCING: Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Baker!!
A good friend of Adam's, a great guy I've gotten to know through work, got married last month! His wife is a great girl...awesome actually!! Jeremy & Camary had a beautiful wedding day...we were so glad we could be a part of their special day :)
* Camary & Jeremy...their first dance *

* Their AmaZiNG cake! Camary had the Bird of Paradise for her flowers...
they were gorgeous & very unique :) *

Sorry to all you basketball folk, but when the Kjars get excited about "March Madness" we
don't mean the "college basketball" :O) Actually, there is a different kind of March
Madness in the Kjar family...it's WRESTLING! For the past 9 years Adam & the
men in his family have gone to St. Louis for the NCAA Wrestling Championships.
They eat, drink, sleep wrestling...their own boy-heaven. ;) Mama Kjar
went this time...to keep the boys in line, haha...is she a trooper or what?!
They had a great time!! I'm so glad Adam was able to go :) Here are some
pictures of Adam's St. Louis trip...
* Here's Adam a
nd his family, with Jeremy (the friend who I
mentioned just g
ot married), at dinner in St. Louis...
...they love t
heir food! *

* Adam at the championships! *

* This picture shows just a glimpse of the many seats that fill up with
TONS of crazy wrestling
fans...gotta love it! *
And, while the boys are away...the girls will PLAY! So while Adam was away, I went
up to Rexburg to be with my sister (Corrie), my sister-in-law
(Sharla), and my old roommates (Kersie & Shauna). I was expecting a weekend full of fun & lots of girl stuff...but it
exceeded my expectations!! It was a bLaST! Here are just a FEW of the pics capturing the
MANY fun memories :)
* Corrie & I out to eat at
Bajios... !delicioso! *
* we're a little goofy...okay maybe more than a little. haha! *

* we went swinging...the "spider" is the way go ;) *

* SHAUNA'S 50's BRIDAL SHOWER...such a cute theme! (The bachelorette
is the gorgeous one in the middle in the black dress) *

* all of the "hott-smokin' wives" blowin' kisses *

* Here's Shauna opening up her FUN presents ;) heehee *

* Kersie, me, & Shauna...my girls :) We were roommates last year (Shauna
was my room-roomate both
years at BYUI...love her like
a sister, both of them actually) *

* Out to a yummy Thai dinner with Corrie, Sharla (sister-in-law),
and Sharla's roommates! *

* Corrie, Stefi, & Katie...just before their AMAZING performance! These 2 cute girls
are Corrie's roommates, and Stefi is from India. There was a multi-cultural performance put on at BYUI...so Stefi taught
Corrie & Katie a beautiful & fun dance...and after many hours of practicing...they put on quite the show! I was so proud
of them!! *

* I was her biggest fan!...hope i didn't embarrass her with all the
yelling and shouting,
"Go CORRIE!! I love you Corrie!" ;) *

* Later that night was Guitars Unplugged
(a big show with lots of bands made of students @ BYUI)
The show and the dance after was such a blast!
...what a great time with all the girls! *

* Even later that night, we decided to do some facial masks :)
I realize this looks more like football face-paint, but
it's 2 kinds of masks (mint julep & chocolate mud...
the combined smell was just like a Thin Mint cookie! haha) *

Another bridal shower I went to was for Natalie Archibald...soon
to be Mrs. Smoot ;) She's marrying my AWESOME cousin-in-law, Brady Smoot. I
was lucky enough to get to know Brady pretty well while dating Adam, they were
roommates :) He is one of the sweetest, funniest guys...she is a lucky girl :) Adam & I are so
happy for them!!!Just about a month 'til their big day!
* Natalie is so beautiful she can even pull off that
gift wrap bow in her hair! I love silly traditions ;) *
Such a fun month! First of all, it was ADAM'S GOLDEN BIRTHDAY!!!!! (23 on the 23rd) For his birthday we went to the Cheesecake Factory (cheesecake is his favorite:) and then off to the 3D-iMAX movie "Under the Sea"...I got tickets for it because I wanted to get us pumped up for our scuba lessons we were planning on taking! (we just finished the lessons last week actually:) The movie was AWESOME!! We highly recommend it :)
* Adam with his Tiramisu cheesecake & his "23" candlesI brought for him to blow out :) *
* We took this picture just before the 3-D show started...the glasses were so much fun! *

* A kiss for birthday boy! *

Adam's main b-day present was actually given to him a few days after his birthday...it was a SUSHI CLASS!!! Boys are kind of hard to shop for...but I'm pretty sure I picked a winner :) We had a blast learning how to make sushi!...and eating ALL we wanted :) We're excited to take an advanced class in the near future :)

f* If you like sushi you'll LOVE this class!! This picture is of Adam & I
with our instructor/sushi chef Jonas Otsuji...he was a great teacher!

Valentine's Day was just before Adam's birthday...i used to really like this holiday :) But I tell ya, it's now one of my favorites :) A day devoted to love...and to spend it with my sweetheart, I couldn't have asked for more <3

* We had a delicious dinner at Market Street Grill...one of our favorite restaurants in Salt Lake *

* The next day we got together with my side of the family for my
Grandpa's 90th birthday! He has quite the sweet tooth ;) so we brought
him some cookie-flowers my Mom taught me to make growing up...
So we took a picture with our sweet tradition;) *
January is always a great month :) Lots of New Years resolutions...lots of snow...lots of cuddling while watching movies in our cozy bed (we don't have a TV, so we set Adam's laptop on our laps & watch DVDs in bed:)...and it's my birthday! woohoo! It started out by waking up to a text from my boss (which just happens to be my brother-in-law, & Adam's co-worker as well) that says "you & adam can have the day off...happy birthday!" IT WAS THE BEST B-DAY PRESENT EVER!...which Adam then topped as the day went on ;) We took full advantage of having a special day with just the 2 of us:) We had a yummy breakfast, went to the gym, showered & got ready for the day, went to lunch at Paradise Bakery, Adam went with me to get my nails done, went shopping for a new digital camera, got massages (60 minutes of heaven), went out to dinner, and came home to watch a movie...I'm one lucky girl! I know I probably won't have another birthday-day all to just me & my sweetheart for a while, so I want to record it to look back on & smile :)
* I turned the big twenty-one! so of course we had to get margaritas!...virgin ;)*

* Adam giving me a sweet birthday smooch *
Sharla (sister-in-law) received her mission call in January!!! We were all so excited for her...lots of friends & family gathered in the Kjar home to watch her open & read that she would be
serving in the...........ARGENTINA, BAHIA BLANCA MISSION!!!
She reports on April 26th, right around the corner. We'll miss her like crazy,
but we know she'll be where she needs to be...in Argentina, serving the Lord.
* Adam, Shar (soon to be Hermana Kjar!), & me *
Super Bowl Sunday...my first ever! I grew up in a home that enjoys sports, but didn't really watch them on TV (we're more the out-door, hiking sort;) So we never watched the Super Bowl. But we were invited to Adam's cousin's home for an awesome super bowl party!! Hailey & Eric Kandell were the hosts, & boy do they know how to put on a party! There was awesome food, a theatre room to watch the game, and lots of great people :) Thanks for a great time Hailey & Eric!
* Here's just one of the many goodies at the party...
Aren't these cupcakes awesome?! *

Adam & I have been serving in our ward (church group) with the Scouts :) I'm a Cub Scout leader over the Wolves (ages 8-9) & Adam works with the Weblos Scouts (ages 11-12). We've had a great time getting to know our boys...learning lots, and loving it! Here's a fun picture of one the activities I did with my boys...icecream sundaes, with no bowls!!! We ate straight of the table :) (I just used a cheap plastic table cloth & threw it in the trash when we were done:)
The boys had a blast!

Not just another love story...
ANNOUNCING: Mr. & Mrs. Ben Kjar!!!
At the beginning of the month my awesome brother-in-law (Ben) and his sweetheart (LaCol) were married and sealed for time & all eternity in the Salt Lake City Temple. We are SO SO SO happy for them both! They are perfect for eachother! And we're so glad LaCol is part of the family :) They did their wedding celebration like ours :)...having the reception the night before the sealing, then have the sealing the next afternoon, followed by a beautiful dinner. (It's so nice to dance the night away at the reception!...and then go home & and be able to get lots of sleep before the really important day with the sealing. Different from the norm, but it works :) Here are some pictures of there special 2 days ;)

*Adam & our sweet niece Emma dancing like there was no tomorrow! *

* oh the cake-shove ;) *

* He is SO happy! *

* Adam & Shar sang a sweet song for Ben & LaCol at their wedding dinner *

December ended with a bang!!! New Years Eve is always a blast with the Thompsons! (family on my side) We have special black-bean soup (a southern tradition), lots of goodies, a slide-show of old family pictures, games (this year we played an awesome version of Charades!), and after midnight strikes we have a dance party! haha They're a riot!
HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! (a little late, i know;)
* Adam & I drinking our little cups of sparkling cider after a new year's toast :) *

* "Jump on it! Jump on it!" haha Dancing the night away... *

My family from Vancouver was able to come to Utah for the holidays! It was SO good to be with them!!! I love it here in Utah :) ...but I miss my family like crazy sometimes! We're all pretty spread out, so we make the most of every get-together =)
Here are a few pictures of our adventures!
* Some of our nieces and nephews, my sisters, my dad, and my brother...
They had a blast on their sled-train!! wootWooT! *

* Snow bunnies :) Celeste, Mom, Corrie, & me *

* Ali (our cute niece who lives in St. George) & I made some yummy
french bread pizza for everyone after sledding! *

* It was by brother Nate's 28th birthday! he's excited to blow out those candles!! ;) *

This was our first Christmas married...and was it a great one! We soaked up the Christmas music (Josh Groban's "Noel", Kurt Bestor, & "The Forgotten Carols" are our favorites)...had lots of hot cocoa...decorated our first Christmas tree (which was so sweetly given to us by our Grandma Kjar:)...and enjoyed spending time with our families.
* On Christmas Eve Adam and I went with his family to go
caroling to some family and to a few elderly-care homes.
...a great tradition :) like our hats? *

* A couple weeks before Christmas, the Smoots (Adam's mom's side of the family)
put on the Navitiy Play, we were 2 of the shepherds:) *

* Here's another picture of the Nativity, with some of our cousins
as Mary, Joseph the Wisemen, and [not so baby] Jesus
who was played my our adorable nephew Ashton:) *

* We went to dinner at The Roof before a special surpise I planned
as one of Adam's early Christmas presents... *

* This was after the surpise...6th row seats at the Kurt Bestor Christmas Concert!
I love that Adam appreciates beautiful music!!! It was quite the performance!

* Here's our Christmas tree :) Very humbly decorated, just with lights,
red berries, & popcorn strings...so fun to see what you
can do with just a little $$ *

**WHEW** Welp, there you have it...a summary of the past 4 months of Adam & Haley Kjar's life :) Life has brought some surpises...some bumps along the way...but together we've smoothed them out and smiled the whole way :) We really are blessed to have such great family and friends to make these amazing memories with.
That must've taken you forever to put together! Great article, thanks for the update!
you're so sweet jenni! It took a couple days...little bit at a time...all i have to say is "thank you 'SAVE' button!" heehee
I am so glad you left a message on my site. I have been trying to remembering your blog address for awhile and was able to find it via clicking on your link. It was fun to read about the last few months in the "Adam and Haley" household and to see all the fun memories you are making. Here's to more fun to come!
Wow, that was quite the long post. My parents leave July 27th. I am so excited for them!
That may be the longest post I have ever read. But I loved it, good for you for catching up so well. ANd I need your sushi class info, Eric would LOVE that!
How are y ou guys??? Lets get together soon, if not I will see you at Brady and Natalies wedding for sure!! :)
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