{Brooks getting loved on by Adam the day after he was born}
A while back, our little Brooks found the letter "D" and started saying "da-da-da" when he was really happy or excited. I couldn't get enough of his new little talent! When Adam was home I'd encourage him to say it more...trying to teach him to associate "da-da" with his father :)
And just these past few days he has started to say "ma-ma-ma"...oh you can only imagine the smile on my face just writing this!
However, Adam and I have to laugh because he still says "da-da" when he's thrilled about something, and when he's tired or wants or needs something he'll say "ma-ma"...only to start saying "da-da" as soon as I come to his aid.
I guess I can take it as a compliment though, and hope that it is because he knows that I love him [and his father] more than anything in the whole world and will do anything for him...he can depend on me...he can feel safe knowing he [and his father] are my number 1 priorities. And isn't that how it is sometimes?...we'll go to our mothers when we're in dier straights (even as grown ups?), or we just need someone to talk to. It's still surreal to me that I am a mother and will be forever...my children will depend on me, learn and grow up, but I will forever be his "ma-ma."

{Brooks snuggled up to me the day after I had him...oh such tender memories}
such sweet pictures, and such sweet words. wait til he can say I love you.
I heart newborn pics..
That is such a cute picture of you the day after you gave birth. I'm so jealous you look gorgeous!
this is wonderful...your family is so beautiful...and look at you!! you are gorgeous ♥
Just found your blog and it's completely lovely. This is a beautiful post x
So sweet :) You are the most darling "ma ma"
WOW You look amazing in that picture for just having a baby! LOVELY!
I'm so happy that you are hearing those wonderfully precious words. :)
You are the BEST mamma! He LOVES you so much! He is the sweetest little man I know! I love him!!
Isn't it the most exciting, awesome, amazing feeling when they say MaMa for the first time!?
Just found your blog, excited to follow!
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