** I got the recipe for the Sarah Bear Smoothie we're sipping on, here.
PS - was the video 21 seconds or 52 seconds?? should be 52...for some reason when I just watched it again the audio is normal but the actual video is speeding through! please let me know :)
Haley, I heart your blog so much.
It is SO uplifting and always makes me happy.
I love the pictures of the two of you, adorable. :)
PS: I WISH I had a smotthie right now.
You have a such a sweet blog! Also, Your vlog was very cute! My guy and I made smoothies last night too. yum!
we heart smoothies in our home ~ ~ ~ cute Vlog ;)
LOVE smoothies, sounds delicious.
Annnnndd, I love this blog and I demand a longer one. DEMAND! I am having withdrawals from your pretty self!
speeding through so strange lol but cool
aww the vlog went speeding through :( but from what I heard and saw you guys are super cute! I love when he puts his head on your shoulder :) I'm missing my man now! ha and yay for smoothies!!
The video was speeding and the words were normal, but the CUTENESS was WONDERFUL! You two are adorable...even in fast forward. You have the cutest voice ever. I want to see more more more VLOGing from you. Add a little Brooks in there and I may just be over the moon. ;)
Ha ha! You are too funny. Yes, the vlog was super fast, and we only heard up til the part where you said you were snuggled up in your robes, but It was a great shout-out to the Sarah bear smoothie!! So thanks for that. Kisses!
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