Yesterday Brooks and I went to a paint shop to get some samples...we're painting our whole first floor, and we couldn't be more excited!! But I am so far from being an interior's to hoping it turns out how we're envisioning it! :)
Here's the color scheme we're going for...

The after some hard work, little B and I had a little lunch date. Right next to the paint shop there is a cute little sandwich/soup/donut shop called Tasty's...and boy did it hold up to it's name!! We shared a bowl of some hearty chicken noodle soup, and I thoroughly enjoyed a chocolate-coconut donut.
Is my date not the cutest??
lunch looks divine & ur date is adorable as always! awesome decor color choice * I LOVE painting ... I seriously find in therapeutic ~ ~ fun stuff * *
Oh I love this, that boy is all smiles! We are remodeling too and painting is HARD! Good luck, I love your color scheme I'm sure it'll be lovely!
I love those earthy colors! Oh and your date is certainly the cutest!
love when you wear that hat. it looks adorable on you.
what a stud! that sweater is too stylin'. a staple every man should have in his closet! : )
Those colors look awesome! I'm excited to see the final product! And yes, your date is the cutest :) What a little hunk.
You have a verryy cute lunch date! And I really like your color scheme - we recently painted the inside of our fixer-upper and it is some hard work!
so SO fun! I had a date with Conrad recently just the two of us and it was divine.
Last night i was begging for a chocolate filled cressont with a big hot cup of decaf coffee to dip it in, and dustin said, "NO honey, after the baby comes, I will get you all the chocolate cressonts you want." he's been so good helping me with my high protein diet. He made me a bowl of strawberries and a glass of milk instead.... either way, I've still been wanting that stupid cressont (sp). So we want and got one!!! me and conrad!
;) Loved your pictures!
Oh Hay -
I'm LOVIN' the colors you chose. I can't WAIT to see your new house. LITERALLY! It will look SO different!
Hey - can I get the code to add the "I Am MORMON" button you have on your blog? I want my button to be a little more obvious to what my faith is. Thanks Hay! Let me know if you need any help! xoxoxo
aww I love that you guys went on a lunch date! I can't wait to see how your first floor turns out :D
aw what a fun little day :) you look so cute in that hat! i'm really wanting one like it these days...i just dont know if i could pull it off but we will see!
How come you didnt share the doughnut? If I was B, I would be ticked...;-)
I want to go on dates with someone under 2 too!!!
oh man- that very last photo with his great big grin? I melt.
And who doesnt' like a place called Tasty's?
Your date is debonair! :) You're making me hungry with the food pics (doughnuts ..... *drools on keyboard*).
I'm so impressed you could pick the colors in just one trip. Wish we could be there to help paint. We'll love to come and help you enjoy the finished product. Can't wait to see what a great helper Brooks is with a paint brush.
I love the colors you picked! Very earthy. Also, I would love to have a lunch date with you guys sometime. Maybe we could initiate a little love connection between Brooks and Piper!
Haley! I love your new color scheme...I bet it will look so amazing! YAY! Please share the finished product....I've been contemplating a paint job in our house, as well. :)
What a fun little date with your handsome little man! Yummy soup and, even better, a DONUT? Yes PLEASE. :)
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