Leaves bursting with color...
A momma and her little boy, all bundled up on a walk, ready to collect some of those leaves...
...sweet kids raking those leaves...
(who's with me and hopes they jumped in the piles after?)

...a stroller crunching those leaves...

...a little boy smiling because of those leaves...

...a gorgeous sunset with the colors of those leaves...

PS - Do you see my knit hat??? (remember I wore it for these baby bumps pics?) Well I got it from Meggie's Love...an awesome shop that everyone should check out. Ready, go :)
Spiritual & Physical Health: see previous post from today :)
So adorable! I love your knit hats! I feel like I can never take enough fall photos of the trees! I look forward to next fall...Brooks and the new bundle of joy enjoying those crunchy leaves together! Two is lots of fun! Congratulations again momma!
LOVE this! Best pictures ever!
He looks so cozy all warmed up in that blanket, I absolutely love it. And I can't say I don't still jump into every pile of leaves I rake. Always will.
We love FALL:) One of the great things about Utah and Vancouver!
thanks for the shout out! you are so sweet. and all your comments made my day :)
Beautiful pictures Haley! I miss the changing colors of the leaves here in Texas. It doesn't happen here! :(
eeep! How do your posts keep getting CUTER & CUTER, little miss? I love this one....fall colors, cozy hats, and the cutest mama and baby I ever did see.
Happy ALMOST weekend! xoxo
I love the colors of the leaves! You and your baby are adorable :)
Hi Haley! What great pictures. You and Brooks are so cute. :) Makes me want to take a fall walk with my little ones today!
oh my goodness, haley! you're so sweet. look at you and your beautiful family!
we did go to AVA together! what a small world :) i'm still love them as much as ever.
thanks for the blog follow! you're a gorgeous girl!
WOW! These fall leaves pictures are just spectacular! I wish we had those kinds of trees 'round here... And your little one is just the cutest thing in that hat!
♥Janette, the Jongleur
PS. Where'd you get those boots of yours? They look exactly like what I want.
PPS. Do you have an Instagram account? I would like to follow if you do.
PPPS. Have a good weekend! :-)
So jealous of all the fall beauty in these pictures. I just moved to the desert of Arizona. It's still in the 80's and no sign of fall.
Beautiful pictures!
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Lovin your blog! These pictures are absolutely dreamy not to mention how cute you and your son are together :) love the hat too!
Fall looks beautiful where you are! I hope you guys have a great weekend!
I love fall so much! I have never been much of one to fully appreciate the beautiful world around me but lately I cannot help but marvel at the beautiful trees with their colorful leaves! Gorgeous photos!
I love fall so much! I have never been much of one to fully appreciate the beautiful world around me but lately I cannot help but marvel at the beautiful trees with their colorful leaves! Gorgeous photos!
First off your hats look lovely. Second, Brooks looks way older and super happy and cute! Lastly, I love the way you're talking about fall in this post. Your descriptions of crunching leaves makes me a little sad about the snow we had this morning which will take some of that away from us. Glad you could enjoy some time with your little guy!
Just came across your blog, love the pictures! Gorgeous! & I love your header!! Took me a couple seconds to realise it says LIFE & I was like- that's the best thing EVER!
M x www.whatwegandidnext.com
i seriously cannot handle your perfect beauty. not ONLY are you amazingly beautiful, but you´re amazingly SWEET. it is just plain unfair! :)
You two are just toooooo cute!
love the pic with your beanies on!
ahhh that hat is darling, going to that website now.. you are so cute! you captured fall perfectly. happy halloween :)
Gorgeous photos, I absolutely adore the fall! Your little boy is adorable, I love his hat <3
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