One of the sweetest memories I have is when Adam came to meet my family in Washington for the first time, while we were dating in college, over Christmas break in 2007. I was so excited for them to fall in love with him like I had :) One of the fun things we did was making eggnog tapioca pudding. Adam told us about how it's one of his family's Christmas traditions, and it was a hit in our house too!
Last Sunday I hosted a dinner at our home for some of the Kjar family and I made the eggnog tapioca for dessert. It's really simple and incredibly delish, so I knew I'd have to share this festive treat here!

3 Tablespoons Minute Tapioca
2 cups eggnog
1 egg (separated into yolk & egg white)
whipping cream
Beat egg white in a medium bowl with an electric mixer on high speed until soft peaks form (about 1-2 minutes) and set aside. In a medium saucepan, mix eggnog, egg yolk, and tapioca. Let it stand for 5 minutes. Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly (semi-constantly in my case;) until mixture come to a full boil (doesn't stop bubbling when stirred). It took almost 20 minutes for my eggnog mixture to get to the boil. Remove from heat, then quickly stir in whipped egg white until well blended. Pour tapioca into another bowl to cool in fridge for about 10 minutes, stir again, then pour into serving dishes and let fully cool in fridge until you're ready to enjoy them!
NOTE: This yields 2 cups of tapioca, and it's very thick and custard-like after being chilled. Stir in a little milk (1/2 cup more or less) & nutmeg if you want to thin it out before pouring it into the serving dishes. And you can top it with fresh whipped cream and sprinkled nutmeg to add a sweet touch :)
Spiritual Health:
Read 3 Nephi 22-26
"Bring ye all the tithes unto the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house; and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it." -- 3 Nephi 24:10
A huge blessing that I absolutely feel has come from paying our tithing, is that our home insurance adjuster came yesterday and said that they'll replace our whole roof after the wind storm a couple weeks ago! :)
Physical Health:
40 minutes on the elliptical at home...and lots of stretching.
Thanks for the recipe, I am for sure going to try it out! Looks delicious!
That is so great that your insurance will cover your damage! I agree, tithing is such a blessing.
This looks awesome!
where in washington are you from?! it's definitely the best state in the US! :)
also, that pudding looks incredible!!
xo TJ
What a yummy Christmas treat! :) I bet that my husband would love this! He is a huge fan of all types of "puddings"!
So happy to read that your roof is going to be replaced! What a blessing-- Tithing is such a wonderful way to exercise our faith in the Lord.
okay yum!!! my hubby would love this!
I tried this eggnog tapioca last night and it was so yummy!! I just wish I would have used 1 cup eggnog and 1 cup milk. It was a little too sweet and strong for me :)
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