Is that print just stellar? I found it on pinterest :)
Its simple yet inspiring words are what I'm centering my New Year's Goals around.
I am going to do better to see good in the see good in see the Child of God in the those I love and in the strangers I meet.
I am going to have a more forgiving heart...I am going to be more dependable...I am going to be a more thoughtful wife...I am going to be a more attentive mother...I am going to smile more...I am going to help others feel the love of their Savior.
I am not expecting to master those goals over night (wouldn't that be nice;)...but I do have high expectations for myself of trying each day to do better and be better. Thankfully I have the best partner in the world, and I can't wait to go over our specific goals and discuss how we'll help each other make them happen. This next year with Adam is going to be incredible. Our little boy Brooks will turn 2 (two!) and we'll be adding another sweet babe into our family...who knows what else 2012 will hold for us. I can't wait to find out :)
Now for a little bit of our New Years Celebration! We said goodbye to 2011 at home sweet home :) The first of the night was just the 3 of us...perfection. We made pear & gorgonzola pizza, said "cheers" as we clinked our glasses of sparkling grape juice, snuggled, and I enjoyed kisses from both of my boys :) Then a little after 11pm my parents and 2 of my sisters pulled in from their drive from Washington! We were able to enjoy Nutella on toast then stuff 12 grapes in our mouth at midnight, for good luck of course...followed by a few rounds of Balderdash and the girls stayed up to watch "Ever After" (a favorite among us sisters)...

It was so wonderful to ring in the New Year with Adam and some of my family!
Wishing all of you a BRIGHT NEW YEAR!!! :)
And tomorrow Brooks and I are driving with my fam (Adam has to work, we'll miss him!) up to BYU-Idaho to help take Corrie and Celeste to school for the winter semester. I'm so excited!! Celeste is a freshman at college, and oh she has some amazing things ahead of her. :)
I totally want to try pear & gorgonzola pizza! Sounds YUMMY.
I love this post and the theme "be the good." Be more forgiving, dependable and helping people to come to know our Savior. Great reminder Haley!
Happy New Year!
I also decided to work on my personal traits, try to be nicer, more loving and more supportive. It makes life easier and also contributes to overall happiness, don't you think?
I think you have already mastered your goals for 2012, good luck finding other goals to work on! :-)
I love the grapes idea, how funny! And have fun with your family up in Idaho and drive safe!
love this. hope you have fun with your fam!!
What a wonderful celebration of New Year's Eve with your fam! A perfect way to kick off what will be an amazing year for you guys! NEW BABY EEEEEEEP!! :)
Love all the sweet pictures, and I REALLY love your goals for 2012....what a kind and beautiful person you are. ALWAYS!
Hope you & Brooks are having a fun and safe trip! xo
Yep, love that! And those black & white pictures are cool. Pretty lady xx
What an inspiring post! Thanks for sharing! Love that print--I know you're definitely the good in a lot of people's lives. Thanks for sharing! <3
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