...because we're classy like that ;)
Happy Friday!
Spiritual Health:
I enjoyed watching a few short videos of real people out in the world who's faith gives them strength...their stories inspired me and made me smile :)
My favorites were Pierre (he lives in Switzerland, is blind, and has a sweet tooth like me!), Brandon (sings with The Killers, and is a hubby & dad), and Stan (cute old man & creator of thrill park rides).
Physical Health:
Elliptical for 45 minutes...making up for yesterday...and pilates at home
1. your little boy has got the be the cutest thing ever! and that definitely looks like a successful way to eat oatmeal. might just have to start doing that.
2. i love all those mormon messages. they are so inspiring!
xo TJ
this is so so cute! You always get the best pictures of Brooks :)Happy Friday :)
aw, so cute!
Yeah I must say that is a way more fun way to eat oatmeal!
Sometimes I wish I could just edit my comments but to add more, even as a non-member can I tell you how much I LOVE Mormon Messages? I love watching them and these three were definitely inspriational. Thank you for sharing!
I love me some Brooks! Adorable pictures!
Way to go, Brooks! He doesn't mess around! :)
Happy Weekend!!!!!!!!!
Aww, he's adorable!!!
Happy Friday!
Just when you thought
that is one beautiful child.
you seriously have the cutest little boy. cant wait to see #2!
sometimes i wish blogger had a like button because i would have liked this post at least twenty times. your little one is simply adorable.
If I would have seen this a mere 2 hours earlier I could have totally eaten my oatmeal with a spatula...next time. He is SO CUTE!
After seeing you in person and your little guy's personality this post is amazing!! What a darling child! Very big imagination, too!
OMG i'm dying. That is cuteness overload right there! I'm not even kidding, every single time you post something with Brooks doing something I just imagine Jude doing it a year from now! And my boy loves oatmeal tons as well! Oh goodness, Brooks, you are so precious <3
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