The sweet little girl in these photos with Brooks is one of 3 sisters that Brooks and I are lucky enough to spend lots of time with! Their mom, Penny (like a sister to me!), and I swap watching each others kiddos a couple times a week...it didn't take long, but we grew to love them. And Brooks & Bryndee seem to have the sweetest little connection :) And I couldn't help but share a few darling photos I've captured of them together. The first 3 photos are from last fall and the rest are from the last couple days...I'm glad I have them, just in case we need to use them in a wedding slideshow some day ;)
Hey good lookin'...

Sipping on smoothies...

"Double dating" on the swings...

Some fishes for you...

Some kisses for me...

Writing love notes to each other...

2 little monkeys jumping on the bed...

Spiritual Health:
Listened to "The Tender Mercies of the Lord"...an incredible talk by David A. Bednar
"I testify that the tender mercies of the Lord are real and that they do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence. ... [They] are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ. Truly, the Lord suits 'his mercies according to the conditions of the children of men' (D&C 46:15)."
Physical Health:
I'm not doing anything very physical for the next few weeks...there has been lots of going up and down the stairs and cleaning the house (yay for nesting!) which has caused some pretty intense braxton hicks and we need this baby to keep cooking :) But come 39-ish weeks and you'll see my awkward, pregnant self on the elliptical, just to help things along ;)
I am beaming with joy right now! I can't tell you how happy those pictures made me! LOVE YOU and your sweet boy! You are family! Can't wait to meet the new one! Love ya!
Adorable!! Love the jumping on the bed picture. I hope you get to use these in their wedding video one day! haha!
The sun glasses picture and jumping on the bed picture are my favorite! So cute! That is so nice to have someone you can swap with often, especially when you both have such darling kids! Let me know when you start working out at 39 weeks, I will go with you in case your water breaks while you are there! Haha!
umm, seriously! could this be any cuter!?!??! i love the sharing fishes and sharing kisses the most :)
xo TJ
What sweet best friends they are! Haha those pictures of them are all just darling--but I couldn't help but laugh at the ones where they're wearing those sunglasses and sipping on smoothies. Match made in heaven right there!
Oh wow! Brooks is getting sooo big, but is as sweet as ever!!! Congrats to you on Baby #2, how exciting!!xo
ps..I have been gone from the bloggy world for a bit, but am so excited to be back:)
oh my gosh they are so dang cute together!! how fun.
Brooks and Bryndee have my vote for cutest little baby couple ever! :) Twin sets of little blond curls...that's twice the amount of CUTENESS! Love these sweet pictures. Aren't baby kisses the best thing? Awww!
Get lots of rest for yourself and keep cookin' that sweet baby!
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