She smiled at me today!! Oh I was an absolute puddle :)
This girl sure makes my heart happy. And do you know what else makes my heart happy?...seeing such kindness come from people since Ava has joined our family. Neighbors have brought meals, friends have made blankets and given gifts, flowers have been sent to us, family and friends have called just to check in and say hi, and the most thoughtful comments have been left on this blog :) Thank you all for your sweet congratulations and encouraging words. They mean so much to this new Mama of two!
Along with some good 1-on-1 time with Brooks, and getting some sweet naps with Ava, one of my goals this weekend is to write and send out our Thank You cards...there will be lots of them. Oh we are so blessed :)
Happy Weekend!
Spiritual Health:
Read "We Testify of Jesus Christ" by President Gordon B. Hinckley (Reading his words made me miss him!)
"In sunshine and in shadow we look to Him, and He is there to assure and smile upon us."
oh my gosh that is the sweetest picture i have ever seen.
She is so precious <3
okay. so your comment on my blog? sort of made my day. i loooove long replies and comments and such..
oh my gosh your little ava is so so so precious! my heart melted just a little.
i know i just keep saying this over and over but really, you have the sweetest little family. and i guess this is what really makes me think so...you're always taking time to stop and take pictures of the moments in your kids' lives and just of everyday times. its really going to be worth it, looking back on these days, because you have them all captured. and you write the best notes to your children, every single post on this blog should seriously be turned into a book. you've just inspired me so much through your blogging. i'm so excited to someday have my own family, and keep up with the picture taking-memory capturing, just like you!
Oh she is adorable. I love that part of your weekend involved just cuddling up next to her. I did so much of that when my daughter was born (instead of rushing about doing the shopping, visiting friends etc) and my memories of those first few weeks are so clear and treasured as a result.
Enjoy this time when she's oh so small. Trust me, the second grows up so much faster than the first! x
She is beautiful;)
Gorgeous Girl. That first smile is a major moment. Now just think, you'll get to see that little grin ALL the time now that she has the hang of it. Precious!!!!!
oh goodness, just the most precious smile! she is beautiful!
xo TJ
Of course she did! She's got a sweet, happy mama smiling back at her!
Hi, Ava. This is Britney. I need to hold you. That's all.
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