We started out our 4th of July by sleeping in (whoop whoop!) and then we put on our red, white, and blue attire to enjoy an All-American breakfast at Sill's Café...oh that place is so good I could cry. Brooks just wanted the gum balls at first, but we assured him there were better things to come, and Sill's didn't disappoint. Along with eggs and the-best-bacon-on-the-face-of-the-planet, Adam got hash browns, Brooks got pancakes, I got french toast, and Ava, well she rested her baby blues and just slept (probably having sweet dreams of the day she can share my plate and enjoy a bite of the mouth-watering combination of bacon and syrup-drenched french toast). We stuffed our bellies, but before we fell into a total food coma, we headed home, and on the way caught the last bit of a local parade. I love parades. :)
After Brooks had his nap, he and Daddy turned on Pandora and had an awesome little dance party in the kitchen while I made sandwiches for lunch. I really need to get one of their dance parties on video one of these days...they're pretty hilarious. And following lunch we headed out for a nice, long walk down Lagoon Trail...Brooks, our avid little stick-collector, looooooved it. Soaking up nature is most definitely something we need to be doing more often.
It was such a beautiful night, and being that I needed to satisfy my sweet-tooth craving, we went to Station Park to enjoy some gelato outside in the summer air. Coconut and mango were our flavors of choice, and boy did they hit the spot. Brooks splashed his little heart out in the fountain, and Ava loved laying out, smiling and kicking her chubby legs.
It was quite the wonderful 4th of July. Fairly untraditional, as we didn't have a BBQ or even see any fireworks, but we enjoyed being together as a family of four...soaking up a beautiful day and thinking of how blessed we are to live in this incredible country. God bless the USA!
Oh my gosh! TYour little ones are super adorable to the max! Love the crocheted heart headband.. I want one! And I'm glad you had a good fourth.. I mean.. who said BBQs and fireworks were mandatory???
♥Janette, the Jongleur
what a fun day! the french toast and bacon is making my mouth water! i need some NOW. guess what i'll be making for breakfast tomorrow? :)
Looks like a perfect day! Not just because of all the YUMMY food... haha but because of some great family time together. You need to video one of these dance parties, I want to see! Little Miss Ava is so cute that I can hardly stand it. I just want to pick her up, snuggle her and look at her big beautiful eyes! Thank goodness I'm seeing you today, I think I will do just that! I would pick up Brooks and hug him like crazy too, but he would probably hate me for it! Haha!
The last picture?! I die.
ok. Just had to let you know that before continuing. ;)
Soooo, what a wonderful celebration you 4 had!! Wow! yummy yummy breakfast and a parade?! What better way to kick off the 4th? Yeah!!
Then, the fact that you spent the rest of your day just ENJOYING each other...who needs tradition? Your 4th sounds absolutely perfect to me. :D
p.s. you look stunning in these pics, friend. Like supermodel mama.
I wouldn't have spent it any other way myself, and I am not even American.
(PS: I don't like fireworks, they scare me just as much as they scare dogs)
I wouldn't have spent it any other way myself, and I am not even American.
(PS: I don't like fireworks, they scare me just as much as they scare dogs)
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