College days with those ladies above were some of the funnest of my life!
I'm so grateful I was able to attend BYU-Idaho...I experienced so much personal growth (both spiritually and academically) and I was introduced to Adam, thanks to his sister Sharla! :) But before that sweet man came into life, it's where I met and became life-long friends and sisters with some of the most incredible girls I know! I went knowing my room-roommate, a friend from home, Shauna...she's pretty much the sweetest person with a heart of gold, lovely inside and out. And we happened to room with two awesome girls in the dorm, one of whom was Alyssa, this gorgeous and hilarious girl from Connecticut. She quickly became another sister. With them I scored the roommate jackpot. :) We shared clothes, went to dances together, took mini-road trips, stayed up late watching Fresh Prince of Belair while eating countless bowls of cold cereal, we "studied" together, met boys together, and shared so many laughs and hilarious moments that when summer came I don't know why I didn't go on strike and say I'm living there with those girls forever. Haha! But the next year managed to be just as awesome. Shauna, Lyss, and I lived off-campus in an apartment with 3 other girls...one of which was Kersie who had lived a few doors down from us in the dorms, and who happened to have grown up in Vancouver with Shauna and I but we had never really met. Kersie has the most giving heart, and always knows how to have a good time! Shoon, Lyss, and Kers made my college experience what it was. I'll treasure the memories we made f o r e v e r.
And while I am heading to Washington to spend time with Corrie before she leaves on her mission, I'm also going to see Kersie marry her best friend!! His name is Kyle and she says he is incredible and has such a good heart. I canNOT wait to meet him. :) And before the wedding this weekend Shauna is throwing her a bachelorette party for her and to say I'm giddy about it is an understatement. We'll miss Alyssa though (living in Boston)!
The moral of the story is those girls have blessed my life...and I'm so glad we've all found such wonderful men! So, when are we going to plan that couples-campout ladies?? (teehee!)
your photos bring me back to my college days! i swear i have all the exact same pictures but with different people in them--college life was so special and FUN! how lucky were we to grow closer to our Heavenly Father and to meet our husbands!! i know the wedding will be a celebration indeed :) thanks for sharing!
ah good times. i love my byui memories too. lots of great friends and times that i truly miss. every step in life brings such different things. and these are fun to look back on :)
LOVE THIS!!!! You're sooo sweet to bring back these sweet, sweet memories! I LOVED remembering all these awesome moments with you, Shoon and Kers! We DO need to get together soon! Ben and I've been chatting about coming out next spring and visiting Utah, ID and Washington- to see all our family and friends :) It would be amazing to get all together!! Thanks for sharing these fun pics (and for including me in them- your soo thoughtful :)!!! Hope you girlies have an amazing time together!! I wish I could be there, but I hope to see you three soon!! Love you Hales! xoxo
Look at super-cute lil' college YOU, Haley! You are ALWAYS so lovely....and these memory-ific (i just made that word up) photos look so FUN! Wasn't college just a wonderful time? I miss those days sometimes!
Hooray for a Roomate Jackpot!! (I wasn't so lucky. Ha!)
And an even bigger HOORAY for friends that are blessings. :)
Congrats to Kersie & Kyle (cutest couple name duo ever?) Hope you have lots of fun..and lots of good times with Corrie before she leaves!
How sweet is this! I love it:)
I'm going to byui now! I absolutely love it! That's so fun you're all still so close! Have fun!
I really liked looking at all of those photos! Seriously brings back memories! It loooks like you had such a good time and I love those memories. They are great to have. And I am glad you grew spiritually and mentally. And so glad that you all have men now =). Can't wait til I have a man of my own!
I like your blog a lot and will definitely be back to see some more posts from you!
have a great day!
p.s. feel free to join me as I continue my beauty series on my blog, a post every day on what makes you beautiful, and ends on the 24th with a giveaway! =)
That is where I recognize you from!! BYUI! I have been going through your post thinking she looks so familiar and when I saw your roommate photos I realized I recognize most of your roommates....pretty sure I had a class and was in the same married ward as a few of them haha I loved BYUI!!
That is where I recognize you from!! BYUI! I have been going through your post thinking she looks so familiar and when I saw your roommate photos I realized I recognize most of your roommates....pretty sure I had a class and was in the same married ward as a few of them haha I loved BYUI!!
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