Sunday, March 3, 2013

This chapter...

I loved this quote my awesome team teacher gave our Sunday School class:

"No matter how bleak the chapter of our lives may look today, because of the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we may hope and be assured that the ending of the book of our lives will exceed our grandest expectations."
-- President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

And then the Relief Society's message was 'Be of Good Cheer' so it got me thinking... I feel beyond blessed that I can look at this "chapter of my life" and know that it is such a wonderful one. Brooks and Ava are still my babies (what am I saying...they'll always be my babies right? Right?), Adam is working and finishing school so we make it even more of a priority to make our time together count, and I have a young, healthy body that has more than enough energy [most of the time] to take care of those two littles I mentioned. I truly love it, and I'm trying not to take it for granted. But there are days and moments that seem "bleak"...especially when I struggle with patience and being selfish, and I feel like I'm failing at this balancing act of being an individual and being a mother and being a wife. No matter how big or small my low moments are, I know that Jesus Christ understands what I'm going through and He is waiting for me to confide in Him. And then, He has promised that if I stay faithful and follow in His footsteps by doing my best to lose myself in the service of others, the ending to my book of life will be incredible, and better than anything I could hope or dream!
I really needed that today...


Unknown said...

wow, love that quote. what a neat handout. thanks for sharing haley.

Davis Valley Classic said...

I acutally laughed out loud when I read that you think you are selfish. You are the most thoughtful,kind and unselfish person I have ever been lucky enough to meet.
I can totally relate to what you are talking about though. Being a mother has been my most favorite job ever! But it is full full full time, 24/7 job. Do I have any other identity than mommy? That is why it is so nice to have date nights or girls nights out (or overnighter every October!). I get a glimpse of just Kira again, not Kira the mommy. But it is always nice to come back home and comfortably get right back into this mommy role that I prayed to have for so long.
You are such a good wife, mom and friend. Someday, if I'm REALLY lucky, I will be half the woman you are.

Kris and Cath said...

This is wonderful! I love the quote and love hearing your thoughts. You are great.

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