Wednesday, January 9, 2013


It's been a winter wonderland here since Christmas. Icicles line every roof in sight and the ground and trees are covered in sparkly snow, so much that some days it feels like we live in a snow globe. :) But because we were sick over the holiday, we weren't able to get out and enjoy it. New Years came around and we were all feeling better just in time to get out and do some sledding with my parents and sister who were in town. It was so fun! Even though she was all snow-suited-up, Ava was a peach and slept in her carseat the whole time. And Brooks, he loved the snow but not the sledding, after one run he was done. But he did love watching us sled, and every time we reached the bottom he'd tell us to, "Go, go! Agaaain!" So we did. :) The hill was tiny, but I still couldn't help but scream all the way down.  Thank you Kira for letting us borrow a couple sleds! Our freezing buns were thanking us for that soft pad on the long one. ;) And to warm us up, we all enjoyed some hot chocolate we picked up from Maverick (my favorite).

As the sun began to set Adam and "Gram-mom" taught Brooks to blow the powdery snow from his gloves and he thought it was pretty awesome, love that boy. :) 

It was a good day.


Kris and Cath said...

That hill looks awesome. WOAH. I love these photos. Crystal clear.

Hilary said...

Love the sledding photo of you and Adam. Your expressions are priceless! Looks like a good day!!!

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