Danner, Adam's brother, graduated last week from Viewmont HS!!! Woohoo!
* * * Class of 2010 * * *
It was so great to be there and hear him speak. It was an awesome speech, encouraging his fellow classmates to plant their roots strong in what they believe in...storms will come, but they won't fall if they hold to their beliefs and do what is right. It was a great speech! We're proud of you big-D! :)
* BIG graduating class! *
* Danner, as the Senior Class President, giving the last speech *

* I stole this from facebook...good lookin' kid ain't he? :) *
Brooks went to his first birthday party for his little friend Aven, who turned ONE! I guess I wouldn't say little...he's a lot bigger than Brooks :) Eli and Alla were the proud parents of cute Aven, they're great friends and Eli works with Adam.
* i LOVED this banner Alla made! Each picture is from each month of Aven's 1st year...she put a letter on each...and it spells "H.A.P.P.Y B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y" How sweet is that?? *
* The 3 Musketeers!! Samson (nephew), Aven (birthday boy), and our Brooks hangin' together...Aven is so cute with the little guys! *
* Alla made the cake...it looked, and tasted, awesome! *

* Aven going to town on that cake!! I love the pictures of babys' first b-day cakes...they have a blast making such a mess!! love it *

And here are some random photos for ya :)
* good morning sweetheart! *

* I have a feeling Brooks is going to LOOOOOVVEE peanut butter as much as his mommy! except we like Adam's peanut butter...gooooood stuff *

* Pics from a sunny Sunday *

* More pics of our sweet Brooks later that afternoon...after a nap. We heart naps *

HapPy FRiDaY EvE!!
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