We saw Dr. Witt today.
[best pediatrician...in. the. world.]
He said Brooks is right on track!
Here are Little B's stats:
15.5 lbs - 59th percentile
26.25 inches - 88th percentile
(we have ourselves a tall one!)

** Pic of brave Brooks after getting more shots today...w/ the same nurse as last time...she's A-mazing! She's so quick that Brooks barely had time to make his famous raisin face, let out a couple good cries, I picked him up, and he smiled at her as she left the room :)
Dr. Witt said we can start easing him into solid foods [poor little guy will have to endure rice cereal...*gag*] and he should start sitting up soon...both exciting little milestones!
We are falling more in love with our little man every day...When Adam & I become a cute pair of old love birds, we're going to have a lot more wrinkles on our faces than expected--from smiling so much w/ our boy :)
And here are some random thoughts/updates I thought I'd jot (sp?) down and share with you:
2 - Keebler cookies came out with Coconut Delights = "Samoas"!!!!! That's right folks, we have the best Girl Scout cookie EVER on shelves at your local grocery store! Found them at Smith's today, and they were delish...brought back good memories of being a Girl Scout myself :)
3 - I am trying to soak up every minute of Brooks sleeping in my arms...there've been multiple friends/moms lately that have told me that their little one's don't do that any more...I know that will happen eventually...but for now, I love his sleeping little body next to my heart :)
4 - We had a fun dinner at a friend/neighbor's house tonight :) ...we brought a salad, fresh fruit, & the store-bought "Samoas"...and they had the good stuff: steak (and surprised us w/ ribs as well), corn on the cob, & asparagus. It was the PERFECT dinner...a farewell dinner...Bye-bye meat. I'm going to try being vegetarian (+eggs) for a time. Don't know how long...but I thought I'd try it out. I'm going to need to get creative to be sure I still get good protein in me...I'll post the good recipes I find :)
5 - I *heart* blueberries...got a 2 lb package at Costco today and I ate about a quarter of the package on my way home...yep, 1/2 a pound of bluuuuueee goodness ;)
6 - Congrats to my college roommate Alyssa & her hubby Ben! They had a beautiful baby boy last Friday...he's adorable!! We're SO excited and happy for them starting their own little family! They're going to be great parents :) We're all entering the next stage of life...love it!
7 - This is a promise to myself (making it public so I'm held accountable) that w/in the next 2 days I'll post pics & stories of our last few adventures: short but SWEET trip home to WA, one of my best friend's weddings, and a few lake trips...I've gotta catch up before we have 2 family reunions and Kjar time at the cabin w/in the next two weeks, then Girl's Camp! Summer rocks.
PS - another smiling pic of Brooks at the Dr's today...he's easy on the eyes, eh ladies??

what a doll.
Yeah brooks. I am impressed that he did so well with the shots. Liam takes it so personal and screams for like 10 minutes.
He is such a stud!!
I was vegetarian for a few months! Let me know if you have any questions... it takes some getting used to.
Love ya,
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