Our Thanksgiving weekend was filled with a few of life's simple pleasures:
We spend the holiday with the Kjar's this year. The plan was to go to their cabin, but the weather had us go to plan B:
Home sweet home.
We enjoyed our Thanksgiving Feast around the Kjars' table in Centerville. It was perfect :)
{the whole Kjar posse - minus Danner who's on a mission in Cali}

{Our little fam}
{The grand table...Mama Kjar knows how to entertain...her decor/setting was absolutely lovely}
{doesn't look like it, but Brooks loved Dave's sweet potatoes}
{Brooks, Adam, Sharla, and I...happy & FULL}
{behold...the PIES...and there were more not in this picture! I made the chocolate hazel-nut pie, 2nd on the left. get the EASY and DELISH recipe here}
{The turkey-coma set in early for Adam, aka Daddy-o}
Friday, while Adam was at work (darn you grown-up jobs), Brooks & I joined some of the Kjar family to see Tangled. Which was ADORABLE!!!! I loved that it was a good ol' Disney musical :) Can't wait for it to come to RedBox so Adam & I can watch it at home. I love that Adam enjoys a good Disney flick, a man after my own heart ;)

And on Saturday we went to see the
Radio City Rockettes! As part of our Christmas present the Kjars got the whole family tickets and it was SPECTACULAR to say the least :)
{Me, Brooks, Adam, Becca, Samson, Luke
...Do you like how Bec & I are joining the Rockettes in the high-knee? heehee}
{During the preshow we snapped a pic! Brooks would NOT turn around for anything, haha!}
{I'm kind of in love with this guy}
And I snagged a few pics of some of my favorite performances :)
I loved how it ended with a beautiful and touching presentation of the Nativity. Focusing on the true meaning of Christmas :)
A perfect way to end a sweet weekend...and kickoff the Christmas season!
lis and i think you are GORGEOUS
Okay girlie you are the most BEAUTIFUL little mommy in this world! SMOKIN:-) Happy late thanksgiving!
Such a fun break hales! Their house always looks so warm and cozy. Glad you guys had such a wonderful thanksgiving :) And I agree with the above...you are one gorgeous momma!
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