I've had this idea for a while...and I'm sure others have done it.
But every time I'd pass by a button display or carousel (what do you call those tall things that spin anyway?) at any craft store I'd notice a few ornate ones and think, "Those would make some gorgeous earrings!" And when they average $1.50 a pair, it sounded oh-so good to my wallet too :)
Well, around Halloween last year I happened to see a few lovely buttons in the fabric section at good ol' Walmart. So I stocked up. They didn't have the supplies I needed...so those awesome buttons have just been waiting for me to turn them into sweet little ear candy.
Last week I finally went to Roberts (a craft store) and got what I needed. I was so excited! And they turned out great :) I actually wore a pair in this post, and in this one.
Here's how I did it:

{each package of the earring posts (40) & earring backs (160) were about $3 each}

See it's that easy!!
And being a mom with a little boy who seems to think I wear toys for jewelry, these earring do the trick of adding a nice touch to my outfits without being too much of a temptation for the little man.
Here are some more I made:
{and remember, these were all from Walmart! Imagine the stellar ones you could find at an actual craft store...oh the possibilities}

I'm excited to be on the look out for more too!
If you create some, let me know...Email me the photos to haley.kjar{at}gmail.com and I'll post 'em :) ...happy earring-making ladies!
LOOOVOOOVOVOVOVOVVVVE this. My friend actually told me how to do this, but your pictures are perfect! i really really want the yellow ones. Next splurge? buttons at walmart:)
thanks for sharing!
shut up!! That is soooo cute and looks soo easy. We definitly need to play. We could be crafty butts together! Holla!!!
oh my gosh! I never even thought of doing that! I figured out my next project! Thank you SO much for sharing!
So cute Haley!! I totally want to do this. You are just so dang cute and crafty.
AH! love those yellow ones :) I wish my ears were pierced. I would definitely make these :)
Ps. I added you on my "my favorite blogs" page. I hope that's okay!
(trust me i see lots of tutorials that are crappy)
can i feature it on GS?
What a great idea. I'm a freelance clothing designer, so I've never really worked with metal. These are awesome.
Kristina J.
Oh my goodness I love this idea! Thank you for sharing. I think I'll be checking out a craft store this weekend. :)
This is an awesome DIY post
Love it
This is such a great idea! I'm going to have to try it this weekend!
This idea is wonderful! Thanks for sharing, they look great!
GORGEOUS! Love the yellow ones!
looooved this. definitely added it to my list of crafts to begin.
this is such a wonderful idea thank you!
whoa now! stop the madness! this is awesome! how coooool. you should totally open up an etsy shop:)
How has everyone not been doing this earlier?!?! What a fantastic idea, and your accompanying pictures are great too. Stumbled over from FTLOB and really glad I did :)
Please open an etsy shop....people would buy this cuteness up! :)
I love the yellow flowers the best! I can't wait to try some myself!
haley, your blog is so adorable along with your gorgeous little family. i came across your blog by a friend we have in common (melyssa thompson now wolf)but i have to say you have the cutest personal style and i love how you do your makeup i hope im not coming across crazy but if you would like to share some beauty secrets i am all ears...im always on the look out for some new tips and keeping my look fresh and easy..
-adria g.
I already commentecd on this post but I just want to say thank you for your comment, it means a lot :D
So cute! You could totally go into the earring business.
Now THIS is a DIY project I can actually DO! I'm going to try this one!
OMG this is such a great idea I love it and I'm always looking for cute new earrings!! I'm definitely going to do this!! Thanks for sharing :) xoxo, Kels. PS. Make sure to check out my current giveaway!
Ooooohhhh! Can't WAIT to make these! I've been looking to no avail for an awesome pair of studs! I have the ears of a five-year-old..I just can't wear big dangly ones!
you are so beautiful! LOVE the earrings! you are amazing... how do you find the time to do so much in one day? and i have watched your blog transform... what did you do to get so many followers/comments? i need to know the secret :)
Oh those are beautiful!!
It's so cool that you can make earrings, I wish I could do that :D
Very clever and cute :)
this is the coolest thing ever! I'm totally going to do it...and you just might see me wearing some button earrings on my blog! ;)
I loved this tutorial. I'm going to try it sometime soon!
I'm following you now and I'll come back soon to read some more.
Have a great weekend!
That is such a cute idea. I love it!! I am going to go to the craft store right away. Chad loves it when I wear earrings but I only have one pair. ha ha Cant wait to try this.
Haley - This is such a clever idea. The earrings are adorable! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase - I greatly appreciate it. I'll be featuring this today - stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Hope you have a wonderful week ~ Stephanie Lynn
They turned out great. I love the yellow flowers!
soooo fun! You should start an esty shop {if you don't already have one}
OH my goodnessss, I'm going out tomorrow and buying the goods to DO THIS! love it :D
I just graduated college and I have desperately been searching for small earings to wear as a substitute that look vintage-esque and don't cost me gas money!!!!
This is perfect- THANK YOU!
My best friend gave me the pearl ones for christmas! :) I love them!
I love this idea! Thank you for sharing. I think I'll be checking out your upcoming ideas...........buy ladies accessories online http://www.linoperros.com
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