It's Brooks and Haley! Didn't you recognize us? ;)

We had a little too much fun yesterday playing with our mustaches...
Brooks even wanted to see what his tasted like.

We're best buds :)

So, yay or nay on the 'staches?
I thought they were pretty stylish :)
And let's hope so cause this here little blog won a Stylish Blogger Award from two stellar ladies yesterday! First, from a my new blogger friend over at Vintch. She writes so beautifully...I look forward to her posts every day!! She some how takes the simple things in life (be they sweet or sour) and puts them into words that are touching and inspiring. She could publish them in a little book I tell you! And the second person, is my long-time best friend Shalyn over at Laugh Until Your Cheeks Hurt. Her blog title says it all...Shay's stories, ideas, and interpretation of life is so optimistic and humorous she will have you smiling from ear to ear after visiting her blog.
The award is passed around so that people can find new blogs and get to know each other a bit better. So my little fam and I have a few things about each of us, along with a couple "stylish" photos, we want to share with all of you:
1 - Hi my name is Haley and I am an ice cream addict. *whew* I said it. I'm pretty sure I have a second stomach for that stuff...and it's bottomless.
2 - I have a crush on Jack Black (don't be alarmed, my husband is well aware of my little crush). I can't get over him in School of Rock, and especially in The Holiday.
3 - I wanted our first baby's sex to be a surprise and was SO glad Adam was okay with it! We loved it that way! I cherish the memory of Adam saying, "It's a boy!!! We have a little boy!" in the delivery room...such a tender yet thrilling moment :)
4 - I love my hot smokin' husband.

{Adam and I as nerds on our first Halloween as a couple. haHA}
1 - My wife & I love the classifieds on KSL.com (a local craig's list)
2 - I coach a middle school wrestling team. Can't wait to have Haley AND Brooks cheer us on this season!
3 - For my body and mind, I go to the gym regularly (at least 4 times a week)...does a body good. Lately I've also been playing a lot of racquetball at our gym.
4 - I love my hot smokin' wife.

{don't you love Brooks' headpiece?}
1 - I think it's fun to give the floor zurbers/raspberries...even dirty wrestling mats (which about made my mom jump out of her skin)
2 - I'm getting closer and closer to walking every day
3 - I make my mom & Dad suuuuuuuupper happy when I lay my head on their shoulder...so I've been doing it a lot more lately
4 - Whenever I get sad, all my mom has to do is bust out some of her epic dance moves. She's a hilarious dancer and gets me laughing every time :)
disclaimer: I, Haley, may have been the author of the things written about Adam and Brooks...one's not here and the other can't talk, you do what you gotta do.
And since we had 12 things about us, we pick these 12 lovelies for the stylish award :)
Shauna at steve and shauna
Michelle at Oh Mishka
Ashley at Hudson's Happenings
Rachel at Tunes and Spoons
Sam [I am] at Young People in Love
Eva Marie at The Life o' Liv
Rach at Playing House
Brooke at Bright Wishes
Kylie at Spencer and Kylie
Nell at On the First Day of Marriage
Pia at Odds and Ends
Lindsay at Scenic Glory
I'm not "tagging" you, so no pressure about posting about your award :) But I just wanted to let you all know I think you have great style...all different, but all fabulous.
Aww thanks girl :)
and love the stashes
thanks Haily!
and those boots??? really. so rad, are they the over-the-knee kind? I think we need a better picture.
also, I *might* hopefully*maybe* will be going to Utah in april....we will have to meet up if at all possible!!!
Love the stache, friend. I think you should make it permanent;-) Thanks for the super sweet things you said about me up there, it made me smile:-) LOOOVVVEEE YOOOUUU! I want to come visit soon!
I can't get over him in School of Rock, and especially in The Holiday. -- I KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW haha.
Lovin' the "stach" pictures!!
oh my gosh love the stash haha
love the staches!
way to get an award! and yes, you guys are stylin ;)
way to get an award! and yes, you guys are stylin ;)
congrats on the award...and the staches are totally rad! XOXO
oh my goodness those 'staches made me smile reallllly big. How cute are you two?
I also vote yes on the 'stache but especially because it is paired with that killer red lipstick! Smokin!
Thanks pretty girl! I love this post. Those 'staches are definitely rockin'. Love the part: "We're best buds". Too sweet. Too sweet. Makes me melt a little bit. :)
Happy Weekend Friend!
yay for staches!! best accessory you could ever have. and way to rock the red lipstick! so pretty.
you are definitely a stylish blogger with that stache :)
Haha those pictures are so so adorable. Congrats on the award. :)
<3Chelsea Elizabeth
Great looking blog, but an even more beautiful child. Looking forward to coming back!
Love the pictures! Too cute!
And thank you for passing the award on to me! :)
Man, I'm touched. Thank you sweet Haley. I love your 12 things. Especially Brooks' - the boy's a sweetheart!
Love your blog more all the time xx
Hey thanks so much for the award! I'll get working on a post right away for it!
Also, i didn't know you and shalyn were bosom buddies! She's the cutest.
hihihi so funny x
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