Last night we had paninis for dinner.
They are a favorite of ours, so easy and so satisfying :)
Have any of you made paninis?...What kind of ingredients did you use?? We usually use the same every time, but I'd love some other ideas :)
Here's what we put on our paninis:

- bread
(you can use just about any kind...we love Dave's Killer Bread)
- mayonaise
- fresh greens
(I love fresh motzarella, Adam likes his with pepperjack and sometimes sharp cheddar)
- tomatoes
(it's all about the pesto)

We put it all together...and put it on our George Foreman, works just like a panini press! :)
** there's no need for butter on the outside of the bread (like you would grilled cheese) they're just wonderful without it!

Let the sandwich(es) grill for about two minutes (check a few times to be sure the bread is grilled to how you'd like it, not burnt;)
And ENJOY! We had ours with a side of delicious steamed cauliflower, brocoli, and grilled summer squash :)
And the princess part of this post...well, my sweet Adam came home from work SO excited for a surprise he wanted to show me on his computer. I sat on his lap with my eyes closed as he clicked away on his computer.
"Open up!" he said.
TANGLED was starting to play! That boy is just too cute! He's known since November, when I first saw that movie, that I've been excited to see it again with him! (we're big Disney fans:) So when he found out you could pre-order it on iTunes two weeks ago, he got it and has been waiting to surprise me <3 After Brooks went to sleep, we watched it, snuggled on the couch...we laughed a lot, and I even cried. (I get really emotionally attached to movie characters, even cartoons)
All in all, it was a wonderful night :)
Well, now I know what I'm having for lunch!
oh yummers:) we have a george foreman, but i never think about sandwiches on it! and what a sweet story! adam sounds like such a thoughtful guy:)
omg those paninis look SO good. my stomach is growling.
seriously, the other night i was having a hard time and the hubby did the SAME thing where he put on my fav disney movie (lady and the tramp) i started crying.
i'm kinda dramatic sometimes.
most of the time.
your comment on my guest post made ms happy. you are so sweet.
Love panini's. We use our mini george F. grill too. Can't get enough!
What program do you use you to convert your photos to film style?
I just happened upon your blog, and I have to say that positivity just radiates out of it! Definitely the type I like to read :) I would say with a panini that a good spread (like the pesto) is key for me. hummus too.
YUM! and oh my gosh Tangled! I want to see that so badly and that's so cute what your husband did :) and thanks for that link! I actually like that method better! ha
thank you so much for your sweet comment on my post today. that was one of the sweetest ones I have ever received :)
I REALLY need to see Tangled, I've heard so many good things!
okay and those paninis! YUM!
There's a party in my tummy !!!
can't wait to see Tangled - that was so thoughtful i love it :)
oh. my. goodness.
We have a george forman grill that should do fine at this job. You're making me hungry! We're both vegetarians though so I'm not sure I've made my own sandwhich after giving up meat... You can do tofu paninis though. Maybe we'll give it a try! Cute pics.
those paninis look fantastic!! i've only made a panini once, it had smoked turkey, provolone cheese, and some mayo ranch cream sauce on it. mmmmmm.
that is so so sweet! i still have yet to see tangled.
these look amazingggg. my mouth is watering.
suchhh a cute blog!
Oh my gosh Haley, I feel so dumb that I never thought about using the grill for paninis- you are so smart!
Okay...I so totally want to make panini's for dinner now! Yumm Yumm Delicious. :)
& how sweet of that handsome hubby of yours....we love Disney, too! Will signed us up for the Disney Movie Club before Hudson was born, and we get a monthly dose of new blu-rays (this month we got month? Tangled!) And I'm so so excited. I haven't seen it yet!!! :D
Can your Adam teach my Dagan how to be a disney fan? I can't get him to watch one to save my life!
Haley, okay well I must say I love your blog. I don't know if you remember me but I grow up around you and your amazing family... Love and miss you mom wish more people in the world was like her. But anyway I hope you don't mind if I follow...
im starting to believe there isnt anything you cant do!
I am in love with my panini press. I got it about a year ago and i make conrad quesidillas on it all the time.
best thing ever.
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