Hi there sunshine! You really are my sunshine...especially on these cold, snowy and overcast days (in late March for goodness sake!). Well Little B, you turned ONE 2 weeks ago! Your Daddy and I have been blessed to have you in our family for 12 whole months now. Your sweet Grandma Kjar says that raising/watching children is like watching the Discovery Channel 24/7...how true that is! It's been amazing to see you learn and grow...get back up when you've fallen down...try all kinds of new foods...you're becoming more loving and interactive every day...and you are so patient with your Dad and I as we ourselves learn how to do this parenting gig ;)
I know I posted many of these pictures of you back in November here, but I just love seeing them all together...I'm amazed at how much you transform, and so quickly:
From our sleepy newborn,
to our wrinkly-legged 1 month old,
to our 2 month old giggler,
(once you started laughing you've never stopped:)
to our smiley & chubby 4 month old,
to our 6 month old sitter,
to our always-laughing 8 month old crawler,
to our 10 month old little bookworm,
to our 11 month old wobbly walker,

{weight: 22.93 lbs
length: 28.75 in}

{weight: 24.67 lbs
length: 30.31 in}
I love you Brooks, and your father and I are so excited for what this next year holds in store for you!! Summer is going to be amazing with our little man. Cheers to another year of learning and growing bud! :)
Love always and forever,
PS - Lots of kisses coming your way!
This is adorable:)
What a great mom!
oh my goodness I love all of these pictures! they are so cute!
What an adorable post!!! I love it. Brooks is such a cutie pie!
Seriously...this is the sweetest and most visually pleasing post I have ever laid eyes on! Haley, you and Adam made one very beautiful little boy, and I love seeing all of his changes over the past 12 months. From one very little and sweet newborn to a very happy and cute toddler! Eeep! He just melts my heart!
This was so precious Haley! He is so sweet. I know you guys love him endlessly! I can't wait for our turn in this adventure!
This is so adorable!!! I love all of these pictures so much! :))
i just love seeing posts like these where you can see the baby throughout the first year. they change so much and it's almost like they're a totally different baby that first month and when they were a newborn.
i'm so used to the way my baby girl looks {i feel like she hasn't changed in the looks area since she was a newborn {now seven weeks} and i can't see much of a difference in her photos either but maybe that's because i see her every day and watch her grow so i'm used to it.
i can't wait to look back and create a post like this for after she's a year old to see how much she's changed.
brooks is one ADORABLE little boy. makes me want one just like him :) i love following fellow mommy's, it's fun to see how everyone does it, don't you think?
What a great post! It's a fantastic idea to have photos from each month and keep track. Every picture is great but my personal fave is the mohawk one from month 9. CUTE.
You're such an inspiring mom!
(PS - sorry about the deleted comment. I was signed in under the wrong account. At that, I think my comment on your most recent post is ALSO under the wrong account, but I'll leave it. Oops!)
melts my heart. what a sweet babe & lucky to have such a wonderful mamama!
Your sweet little boy's smile always makes me smile. It's amazing!
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