You've got a little bug.
You came down with something Saturday evening...a flemmy cough, stuffy nose, and an on-and-off fever. I wish I could take all the pain and discomfort away! Hurts my heart to see you so miserable.
And because you're feeling all icky you've been quite the mr. snuggles with Daddy and me. So while I'm nursing you back to health, and praying you get better soon, I am soaking up the time I have with you in my arms.
Love you forever,
Aw, I hope he feels better! I hate when they get sick but love the feeling that they need you!
Aw, poor little nugget. I hope he gets feeling better, I bet it's tough to see him under the weather.
And thank you for your sweet words on my blog this morning. I don't think anyone can really know how much things like that can mean to someone but it was something I really needed to hear and I appreciate it so much. I think you're an amazing woman and reading your words inspires me often and I'm very thankful for the bloggy friendship we have formed, sweet Haley.
Poor, sweet, little baby. I am so sad. :( I hope he feels better very soon! Until then, enjoy those snuggles, Mama!
Poor little man! He will be in my prayers- enjoy the cuddle time!
beautiful... no, breathtaking photos in this post. really.
Ooh get better baby Brooks! Poor thing...
oooh. praying for sweet brooks! yay for fabulous doctors who are blessed with great talent. and you look gorgeous, my dear.
oh poor thing! I hope he starts feeling better soon!
Ugh I hate that. King hasn't been sick in awhile (knock on wood) it's so sad when they aren't feeling well but I love the snuggles!
Feel better Brooks!!! Haley, I love his little round face and hair soo much he's soo flippin handsome. :)
this made my heart melt. i can't wait to experience the type of love that you have for little brooks!
oh, and thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog. it made me smile :)
aw hope baby gets better!! stay healthy! praying for your family :)
Aw. Poor little guy. It makes me sad when little ones are sick. :(
awwww poor guy!! He looks so cute though in his blankies! I hope he feels better
Those pictures are just soo precious. Feel better Brooks. Do you have a good humidifier? I also wanted to say, thank you for the sweet comment on the tea party. I re-read it however, and realized that there needed to be some quick changes! Especially because a bunch of those memories included the fab, Kjar fam! :) XO
awww, i hope your precious bundle of joy gets better soon!sending healing thoughts your way :)
such a sweet post. only upside of sick babies are the cuddle times you get. i hope he feels better soon.
Ps you look very pretty, what kind of lipstick is that?
sending healing thoughts your way!
You are GORGEOUS! And your baby is BEAUTIFUL! What a lovely, lovely family.
oh Haley, i read this and then looked all around for an update on Brooks health. happy to see it in the above post cos i was so worried for you all. he is such a darling and seeing your sweet babe under the weather must be very worrisome. your letter to him is beautiful. i wish him continued get-wells and many blessings. ♥
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