Last night for youth group our Young Women got together for a wonderful time of horseback riding! Two men in our ward were so generous to provide the stunning horses (and even a pony!) and the beautiful riding grounds. To say the weather was perfect is an understatement. It started out a bit toasty, but as the sun went down it cooled a bit and left us with a beautiful sunset. The girls were all naturals!! Only a few had ridden before. And we were even lucky enough to have super sweet chocolate cupcakes the YW President made...created to look like horses! Awesome, right? :)
Winston Churchill wrote the quote that I used for this post's title...and boy is he right. Riding those majestic animals is soothing...I could've rode mine all night! And as you can see, I could've taken photos of those gorgeous horses all night too...I guess I did ;)

{ that's me above and below...all saddled up! }
Spiritual Health:
Personal Progress Integrity - Value Experience #5
Read Mosiah 18:9 (one of my very favorite scriptures)
Physical Health:
Mowed the front and back lawns (and the back lawn may or may not have been a jungle;)
I think this is certainly true!! My cousin works with horses all day long and loves it! Those ponies and cupcakes are ADORABLE!!
This is my kind of outing!! There's just something about riding a horse...feeling the power of the creature beneath you, their (usually) gentle and loving nature, the wind in you hair as you gallop....I love riding.
I grew up with a horse that lived on my grandparents' farm...her name was Cinnamon, and I miss her lots.
I'm so glad your group had a wonderful time...the horses are beautiful, and so is that little pony--awww!
p.s. You look like a true CUTE cowgirl, Haley! YeeHaw.
What a fun YW activity! I just went horse back riding for my first time while in Sun Valley. We went up a hill/mountain and back down, my butt hurt SO bad for like 2 days afterwards! But I would do it again despite the pain (which wasn't that bad really, I'm just overly dramatic) :-)
what fun! These pictures are so fun and pretty :) It definatly makes me miss riding.. perhaps I'll need to do that soon :)
okaaay best yw activity ever! i've never been horse back riding before. definitely something on my bucket list. the pictures you captured are beautiful with the sun peaking through like that!
Wow, what an awesome YW activity! And those pictures you took are breathtaking! You really captured the mood. And one last thing, I adore your blog!
I think the word majestic works so well when describing horses- that looked like it was so much fun!
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