Last weekend was pretty fantastic. It was a 3-day weekend which definitely brought it up a notch.
It involved delish frozen yogurt with cousins (Landon & Alyse), a trip to the cabin with the Kjars, and a spontaneous sushi date night. I'm excited for another great weekend!! Life is good :)


{ above: homemade french fries, burgers, and chocolate ice-cream made with Reed's Dairy chocolate milk
below: our little guys "wrestling"...starting 'em early! }

{ above: fun jumping on the mattresses on the back deck (meant for sleeping under the stars:)
below: Brooks and Samson chilling on the famous ski-bench }


{ above: the Lollipop roll at Happy Sumo...YUM. No rice, and it's wrapped in cucumber instead of seaweed }

{ above: Brooks' new OOOOOhhhhh-face with his "sushi" (aka gold fish crackers). And the most delicious tempura banana split for dessert }
A great weekend does the body good :)
Spiritual Health:
Personal Progress - Divine Nature Value Experience #1
Read “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (see page 101); 2 Peter 1; Alma 7:23–24; andDoctrine and Covenants 121:45Physical Health:
yum! all that food looks amazingg!! what a fun w/e!
mmm i love the lollipop roll!
I love how active you guys always are. Soo awesome!
holy awesome snap re-cap! we've got a 3-dayer this weekend so i know the impact it holds when we get the extra day. gosh, wish they'd happen all the time. looks like you got up to so much fun Haley! the "OOOOOhhhhh" face is the BEST : )
happy new weekend filled with just as much goodness. ♥
That's my kind of weekend! Love the glasses too :) very hip.
Frozen yogurt is my other love. I love mine with strawberries and bananas. I've decided you need to save up because we're taking a trip to Cali to get some Pinkberry frozen yogurt. I crave that magic on an hourly basis. You simply MUST try it.
I hope this weekend is just as eventful :)
How fun! My name is Kay-Marie, we worked together for a short while at Jolynns. Anyway I ran across your blog the other day and am so impressed. You are so creative and just as lively as ever. Your sweet smile and caring attitude was so appreciated. I am happy to see you are continuing to do well. I can't wait to keep up on all your ideas!
Yes! We made the blog ;) That was super delicious and so fun to spend some time with you guys! Love Brooks new discovery face! Too cute!
okay this looks like such a great weekend!! i love frozen yogurt its the best!! love all of these photos, that food looks delish!!
oh my gosh that sushi looks amazing and Brook's face is classic! looks like an amazing weekend!!
Great pictures! Frozen yogurt is my newest obsession :) At least it's kinda healthy, right?
YES! LIFE is GREAT!! :) That sushi looks delish, the fro yo looks FABULOUS, and little Brooks' oooooh face is just off the precious meter.
Love the baby sushi. HAHAHA! What a cute idea!
p.s. I spy some super cute glasses on you in those first pretty!!
Love the pictures!! What a perfect weekend! You 3 totally deserve it :)
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