We're about ready to double up the number of cute kiddos we have in our family!! :)

Baby Kjar #2 will be joining us in late March of 2012 (March 21st is the official due date...which changed from March 27th just last week at our doctor's appointment). We are so SO thrilled! Our little babe was wiggling and kicking up a storm on the ultrasound machine's screen...goodness I didn't want to leave the office, but just stay and watch our little peach (that's about the size it is) all day! It's just the sweetest miracle :)
The day I found out we were pregnant I whipped up that shirt (thanks to Shawntae for the idea!) for Brooks to be wearing when Adam got home from work...he was one happy daddy-o! He and I cannot wait to see our Little B become a big brother :)
Aw!! Congratulations!! :D that is so so exciting! And what sweet pictures. That shirt you made is so cute!
Okay even though we are so bad at keeping in touch, we are still connected somehow!
I KNEW THIS ALREADY! How weird is that, I was thinking about it all day yesterday! Freaky.
sooo exciting! You need to slow down so I can catch up! Congrats!!
LOVE the shirt! Congratulations, so happy for you, Adam and Brooks to be adding to your cute family!
congratulations congratulations congratulations!!!!
Best news evah!! Congrats to the three of you! No doubt this one will be as adorable as Brooks!
Ahhh! That is sooo exciting!! Congratulations. This post made me tear up -- I am sooo so happy for you!!
oh my goodness!!!! congrats on the baby! so happy for you! brooks is going to be such a sweet big brother. and that shirt you made him?! adorable!
oh my goodness! congrats you guys! what an exciting time for you :D
ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! omg no way!!! Adam saw ur update and opened it up and I looked over and snatched the computer from him and freaked out! I'm so happy for you 3--soon to be 4! And how great that big brother will be just 2 years older! Congratulations x a bajillion. Can't wait to see pics of your little belly grow. How wonderful to add another one to your sweet sweet family <3<3<3
oh, and I just realized that March 21st was Jude's due date too! It's like I'm experiencing my pregnancy all over again through you--which sounded a lot less weird/creepy in my head. Again, over the MOON for you and yours! What a great blessing! OK, I'm done (for now).
CONGRATS!!! that is so exciting! I'm so happy for you guys! I know brooks will be such a great big brother!! Are you guys going to find out the sex of this one? or have it be a surprise?!
Congratulations from Germany :)! That's great news!!
hooorray!!!! congrats to your sweet family!
Oh Haley! Your blog is the first one I have read in a month and I am SOOOOOO happy it is- this makes my week! Congrats congrats congrats!!! I love you dear friend!
AH! how amazing is this, I am SO excited for you guys. how incredible!
congrats!! so excited for your family!
that big bro shirt is the cutest!
CONGRATULATIONS DEAR! I am so excited, this news made my day!!
AHHHH fantastic news!! Congrats to your sweet family!!
I can't wait to hear what it is and your plans for the arrival!! ;) So happy for you!
yay!!!! that's so exciting! congrats to you and Adam! And Brooks is going to be a big brother! how fun!! :) I'm so happy for you guys :)
awww congrats!!!!! that is so exciting!! so happy for you guys :)
YAAAAY CONGRATULATIONS HALEY! you are the best hottest mom ever, and to TWO children even better! so happy for you
congrats! Wow! HOw flippin exciting! That's great news! That will be fun for your baby and Lena's, that they will be so close in age.
Ahhh...CONGRATS!!!!So happy for you and your cute little family!
I seriously squealed when I read that! I'm SOOO excited for you Haley!!! :) Congratulations!!!
wwwhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? i am so happy for all three.. excuse me all four of you!!
HALEY! I am absolutely ECSTATIC for you and your sweet family! What a beautiful BLESSING to bring another amazing life into one of the most genuinely kind and lovely families I know! I can't wait to read along on your journey to meeting your second little sweetie! I'm SO SO HAPPY!!!!!!!
Haley! How exciting for you guys! Brooks is one cute kid so I can't wait to see how cute this next little one will be! Congratulations!!!
Yay! I've been wanting to congratulate you for awhile (Adam told us a bit ago), but I decided to wait till it was public, just in case I messed something up!! You guys are the cutest, and I'm so happy for you!! Baby #2 is so lucky to come to such a sweet family and momma!
YAY!!!!!!! That is SO EXCITING!!! Congrats! I am so incredibly thrilled for you guys!
OH MY GOODNESS! Congratulations, I AM SO SO excited for you. Sorry for all the caps, when I came to your blog I wasn't expecting such great news like this! You all are just one cute adorable family!
Ah! congratulations! how exciting! I love the way you announced it to your husband:) that shirt you made for brooks is so cute!
oh my goodness, your family is so precious. Congrats on the pregnancy!!
So exciting!!! These little people are such incredible miracles! Love the shirt, and he is such a cute little guy. Our due date is exactly 2 months after yours. May 22. Such miracles!!!
This is so great! I'm so happy for you guys! Haley, you are such an adorable wife/mother/blogger/young women's leader/woman! I love reading your stories.
Oh my so cute!! I'm so excited for you guys :)
Wonderful blog.
oh happy day!
congratulations to you, adam, and brooks! beyond thrilled for you guys--keeping you and your babe in prayers!
I know I commented already, but I thought I should tell you that a very exciting announcement was made on my blog, and you should probably check it out. :D
Aaah!! How did I miss this??
CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so so happy for you guys! This is SOOO exciting! :)
so cute!
Oh my gosh!! Congratulations! I am so happy for you! :)
goodness, I haven't been on blogger for about a week and I'm now finding out I missed a bunch! gotta keep with up with my blogging world ;)
Congrats! that's is SO exciting! another beautiful babe to add to your already adorable family :)
much love♥
CONGRATULATIONS!! That is such wonderful new! I am so happy for you and your family. I bet Brooks is excited to have a playmate :D
I can not wait to give Emmeline a little brother or sister.
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