Dear Baby,
Every morning that I wake up with you still growing in this belly of mine, I get more excited, more anxious, and yet more calm that you will come when and how you're supposed to. Bringing your sweet older brother into the world was an incredible experience. He came on his due date and was sure in a hurry to get here! And I just wonder, will you come quickly? Will you take your time? Will there be complications? But then I remember, that you and I are both in God's hands. What is meant to happen, will happen. I am a woman, blessed with a capable, strong body and I can do this. We'll do it together, k? :) And knowing your Dad will be at my side the whole time brings me more comfort than I can say. That Daddy of yours...we're lucky to have him :)
Keep growing healthy, and continue putting a smile on my face when you kick and stretch in your tight quarters, making my belly dance ;) I'm going to miss feeling you inside me...and I'm soaking up each day I have left where you're completely mine :)
Love you forever,
PS - OH baby, let me just tell you I am sooooo excited to find out if you're a little boy or girl!! I wish I could say that I have a feeling from my mother's intuition about it...but I just can't seem to stick with one or the other. Are you our little Ava, who will have a protective older brother that will teach you to dance? Or are you our little Boston, who will have an instant best friend to show you the ropes of boyhood? Either way, I've got a few things ready...I made some dainty, felt bows and flowers, and I have a fresh new, blue outfit with tiny whales on it. All of which makes me completely giddy :)
So those reading this, what do you think...
Will our little one be wearing flowers in her hair??
Or will our little one be sporting blue stripes and tiny whales??
Hmmmm... :)
Cute post Haley, I'm so excited for your baby to come. One of the things I love about you is how much you enjoy your pregnancy. I feel like you understand how lucky you are to have your little one all to yourself in your belly while he or she grows. I've never heard you complain (even though you have every right to as I hear the end of pregnancy is really uncomfortable!) but just seen you soak up every minute of this miracle! It's refreshing!
We got Brooks a present for his birthday today! Grant doesn't seem to grasp that it is not for him, and for Brooks, haha! He actually bit into the packaging, I think to mark it as his own. Oh well! Haha!
I think it is a boy! I don't know why, but I just do. Either way will be so fun!!!
I'm thinking.... Little Ava! Cute name;)
those bows are adorable! my guess is a little girl!
I love the name Boston...however I am leaning towards girl....Oh I cannot wait!!!
SO sweet!! Ah! I can't wait to find out either!! Eeep! Such cute names too!
Oh my goodness how sweet! Like seriously can we be real life friends because you're just the person I need in my life right now. I love your letters and I LOVE your names and I can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl!
I'm so excited for you and for this little baby to arrive! My vote is girl... :)
I really enjoy your blog. And I am thinking a girl!
ahhh so sweet. and i am SO SO SO excited for y'all!
girl, maybe? that's just my guess.
Haley! Thank you for sharing the beautiful potential names of this sweet baby! I love them both!!!! EEEP! Now that I hear the names...and see the outfits...I think I'm still guessing BOY. :) Boston is the coolest name ever. :) (from the looks of the previous comments I think I may be in the minority with my boy guess...hmmmm!)
p.s. You are looking EXTRA gorgeous this week. And I LOVE your necklace!!!!
Oh goodness I have no idea girl or boy girl or boy ekkk
I think BOY ..
Boston would be an awesome name :)
i secretly hope it is a darling little miniature haley! you are so dang adorable.
I seem to be in the minority, but I'm guessing a little baby boy for you! I love your ribbons though and I always kind of thought it'd be fun to have both a boy and a girl. Can't wait to find out! I also love the pictures of the nursery you've put up.
I read this earlier this week and couldn't help my feel like its a girl...I guess mine and Kinzies boys would have to fight for her heart later on in life wouldn't they? Good thing we plan on putting ours is karate ;-)
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