These pictures, and 10 more like them, are from yesterday after Brooks woke up from his nap. I should've been doing the dishes and preparing for our dinner guests, but Brooks wanted to lay by his little sister in our bed, and I couldn't help but join them. Brooks and I laughed and laughed (he can be quite the ham) and I just made sure our Ava-sandwich didn't get too squished. ;) Oh how I love those two.
It only lasted a couple minutes.
But it was heaven.
Our little family life at home does not, I repeat, does not solely consist of moments like that. (Soon after our sweet time on the bed, Brooks had a melt down, and Ava, our super-pooper, had a blowout). But when a really good moment happens, I soak it up for all its worth.
And today, during Ava's feedings, I've absolutely loved reading the words by a woman who also treasures up the sweet moments with her children. My Mom gave me this thoughtful Mother's Day gift...Stephanie Nielson's book, Heaven Is Here. Being a rather slow reader I'm just to chapter 5, but I already feel inspired by her beautiful spirit and love for her husband and children that just exudes from her writing. I've followed along and read Stephanie's blog for almost four years. There's no denying that even after her unthinkable trials, she optimistically looks at the future with faith. She appreciates each day she has as a gift, and makes her home a little piece of heaven for her husband and children. Stephanie is superwoman in my eyes. :)
And my Mom is getting arriving Thursday night!! :) We. Can. Barely. Wait.
Spiritual Health:Reread Neil L. Andersen's General Conference address,"What Thinks Christ of Me?"
"Our journey of discipleship is not a dash around the track, nor is it fully comparable to a lengthy marathon. In truth, it is a lifelong migration toward a more celestial world." I loved that he used the term "migration"...which I believe generally happens in groups. And isn't that how this life is?...we need each other, to help and serve each other to be truly happy and to grow closer to Christ.
i just started nienie's book yesterday!! it truly is so inspiring. i may only be 22 and not have children of my own, but every time i pick up that book i feel so empowered as a woman. i get so excited for my future family and hope to be as wonderful of a mother as stephanie is to her children. she is truly an inspiration. also, i loved that talk by elder andersen. it was one of my favorites.
Love these pictures! Grant doesn't want to go to bed, so he is sitting with me looking at your blog. I said, "Who is in this picture" He says, "BROOKS!... Avie? and Haley!" He doesn't understand that her name is Ava, and not "Avery" like his sister's name, haha! He is so confused.
That book looks great, I also have followed her blog for a long time and find her inspiring... just like you!
See you tomorrow!
I know all about those little precious moments...even though they can be all to fleeting. :( I think what makes our days wonderful is cherishing those special times (however short they may be) and replaying them over and over in our heads.
And I totally need to get that book!!!!
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