"Be sure to pack your swim shorts and a sweater for when we go to the coast. :)"
I texted that to Adam the day before he flew out to Washington. That's how we Northwestern peeps do the beach. The Oregon Coastline is stunning and rugged. Especially on an overcast day, it is breathtaking.
The last weekend of our vacation with the Stum family we went to the Oregon Coast. Hug Point was our destination...and it made for such a fantastic day. In cozy sweaters, we walked barefoot on the powdery sand and then jumped over the cold, saltwater waves. The kid-cousins, Nat, Duane, Corrie, and Celeste even went for a couple polar dips! That's when Corrie's stellar, fire-making skills came in handy...yep, she built that fire without matches. Bam. :) We cozied up to the warmth of the fire, and roasted hotdogs and marshmallows. Brooks ate about 3 Hershey bars in chocolate, and sported 3 different hoodies throughout the day, as each got wet from the water being too irresistible. He had a blast! And Ava was happy as a clam, being held and loved on constantly. The questionable weather (first day out of the week the forecast called for rain, and rain it did) made some unsure about the day-trip...but I'm so glad we went. So, so glad.
Oh, and there was even a wedding on the beach just north of us! It was fun watching the wedding guests walk past us to the special spot...and of the course the gorgeous bride and her bridesmaids holding her full, white dress as they walked up the shoreline. I get butterflies just thinking about it. I'd marry my sweet Adam over and over again if I could. :)

this post makes me homesick! beautiful photos :)
Such beautiful photos...the Oregon coastline looks awesome and your family is adorable.
AHAH I remember those days. Jumping in the water and wondering why my Brazilian cousins would not join in... Once we got snow flurries on the way to the beach, but that did not stop us. Even though I love FL's sunny/warm water beach trips, how nice it would to have a fire and not worry so much about babies getting sunburnt. Love the pictures, love the north west (wish it was not such a trip to visit), and love your family. So happy you got to spend so much time with Corrie before she left.
Looks such fun and such beautiful pictures, amazing tone to them x
I see Brooks doing some seriously stellar yoga poses in some of the photos, he's nailed upward facing dog!!
love all these pictures!! cute blog ;)
follow each other?
even though it's overcast it looks like the best day at the beach. and look at you taking control and making a fire. perfect!!!!
xo TJ
Lovely photos! Looked like everyone had a great time at the beach :)
Looks like a fun time! I love your little guy's hoodie! Adorable little fella in plaid. :)
Shop Taylor Morgan
these pictures. are. perfect.
and so is your family. don't think i've mentioned that enough c;
but seriously. every post from your blog makes me want a family and to take pictures of them and be as happy as this. x
Such a good looking family!!! So gorgeous! Love it. Newest reader!
oh i love the feel of these! so fun! where did that tie dye swimsut come from?
This is something that I am waiting to do with Kris in the great NW. I love Cannon Beach, words cannot describe. Cutest beach towns, salt water taffy, riding bikes on the beach and always wearing a sweater:)
Oh my goodness! What a beautiful place!!!!!! This is so dreamlike to me. I'm a big rainy day fan...and of course I love the ocean/water. I would love to go to a beach like this! It's so different from the beaches on the Gulf Coast.
Every photo is GORGEOUS. Like, magazine worthy.
Hope you have the happiest weekend, Haley!!! xoxoxo
oh i just LOVE your blog. it is so full of love and happiness and warmth. i love it so much.
the oregon coast has been a family go to vacation spot my entire life - it is so beautiful even in the chill. love it. glad you had such a wonderful time! loved catching up on your blog this morning. you are so sweet.
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