Monday, September 3, 2012

Our Rock

From the video, it's pretty obvious that one of Brooks' favorite primary songs is "The Wise Man"...Adam sang it and Brooks did the actions. Goodness those boys cracks me up. :)

I love that we can teach him, even at such a young age, that there is safety in building our foundation on Christ, who is our Rock. One of my favorite scriptures, Helaman 5:12, talks about the concept beautifully. 

Yesterday was a good Sunday, a very good Sunday


Harri Davison said...

This is just lovely! x

Jemi K said...

Very cute! Made me smile :) You have a wonderful family!

William said...

what a beautiful family!! What a thrill I get in my heart just watching this...Adam is more fun to watch than even Brooks! Haley the Girl's retreat was so fabulous...thank you for all the hard planning and attention to details that you did for all of us. Ava was a dream and a needed part of it all. Thank you for the memories. What a riot it all was! That tea party? WOW

William said...

what a beautiful family!! What a thrill I get in my heart just watching this...Adam is more fun to watch than even Brooks! Haley the Girl's retreat was so fabulous...thank you for all the hard planning and attention to details that you did for all of us. Ava was a dream and a needed part of it all. Thank you for the memories. What a riot it all was! That tea party? WOW

Britney said...

Adam and I both just watched this and laughed. Apparently your husband can make more than just Brooks laugh :) So cute and so glad you had such a great Sunday yesterday!

kylee said...

okaaay i love this! i also love that scripture, it has and always will be one of my favorites.

Rachel said...

Such a sweet video and post!

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