Saturday, November 13, 2010

his voice

{you can get the tasty & easy recipe here}

Last night,
while making pumpkin tarts,
(which were SOOOOO good by the way. Even Adam, who's missing his sweet tooth, loved them)
I was able to listen to Adam singing some good John Denver tunes to our son...Brooks was mesmerized by his daddy's soothing voice.

Adam's voice is one of the things that I first fell in love with.

Swept me right off my feet,
and still makes me weak in the knees.


Anonymous said...

You're probably wondering who the heck this is commenting on your blog, but I feel like I know you since my parents love you so much and always have such nice things to say about you. Your baby is adorable and you've now posted two things on your blog that I'm filed away to make myself. Those treats look soo good!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

those look awesome. might have to try out that recipe.

I {heart} Nap Time said...

YUM! Those look delicious!! And BTW You have such a darling family!

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