Read the title again...but sing it, Little Mermaid style ;)
WAIT...that'd be Aladdin. How did 2 of my favorite Disney flicks get swapped in my head??Thanks to my friend Lula for catching that. haha!
Okay, so back in December Adam and I enjoyed a cruise, just the 2 of us :) We started in L.A. and stopped by the Mexican beaches of Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, and Puerto Vallarta (my favorite). Can you say relaaaaaaaxing?? :) While in Cabo, we were lucky enough to be able to go SCUBA DIVING! And I finally got around to getting the film from our little disposable underwater camera developed :) There are only a few we snapped from the first 10 minutes of our dive because we went too deep and the film broke...but enjoy the few that we got!
Overall, it was quite an unforgettable experience! But truth be told, we still think that Belize topped it (even me just snorkeling) for the color and marine life we saw (I don't know why we didn't get an underwater camera for that trip!).
Have you ever been scuba diving?? I'd love to hear stories about where you went and your experience :)
** side note...thank you all so much for your kind and thoughtful words about my last post. I really felt the need to record our experience, and that sharing it would show that our marriage is real, and has bumps...but those bumps just add flavor, and it is oh-so sweet. So you wifey's out there, what are you doing today that is a little extra to show you love your hubs?? :)
hello love ♥ omg i adore scuba diving. i have been in cozumel and the experience is unlike anything else.
thank you for sharing a piece of your vacation with us ♥ it looks like you two had an amazing time. and what a great way to relax!
hope you had a wonderful day **make sure you read my comment from a little bit ago on your other post** xoxo
YAY HALEY- Just saw that you won over at FTLOB- congrats girl, I can't wait to see how beautiful Lindsay makes your space:-)And no, I have never been scuba diving but it is on my bucket list:-)
lol no need to go back and re read the title little mermaide style.. I was already on the second verse when the page finally loaded lol
love scuba. put tahiti, more specifically bora bora on your list of places you must dive one day. we did a swim with sharks on one of our dives...
Ahh you lucky girl! I went to Cancun two years ago and I just "snorkeled" haha can that word sound any weirder? I think not. Love these pictures! And by the way, isn't the title of your post from Aladdin?? haha.
Lots of love,
love the hand holding under water picture :) ha. love your blog! just stumbled across it...
All I can think of is Aladdin for that title.....
COOL PICTURES. That's awesome! I've gone snorkeling and even that freaks me out! I love swimming, but something about being so close to the fish and coral scares me a bit. I'm sure I'd be holding onto the guide's hand.
congrats on your blog design win! working with lindsay was so awesome & you love the end result. ♥ cant wait to see what the blog design has in store for us readers.
how cool!!
Wanna know a secret? I'm deathly afraid of fish. Big ones, small ones. All of them. I don't even like goldfish. I think it has something to do with riding home in the car with one in a plastic bag as a child, and the bag spilling, and the fish floppin' all around in the floor. YUck. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.
I went snorkeling in Cozumel with my parents, and just about died. Those fish were the size of me. I could never scuba dive, much to my husband's dismay. He's swam through the channels of Florida with the endangered manatees...and his next goal? To get his scuba license. Great. :P
But, I love your pictures. Even though they scare me a little. Ok, a lot.
Oh and I totally sang your title, even before I read that you told me to...Aladdin's my favorite. :)
Very cool.. I heart Cabo! We had an excellent trip there over 2 years ago
awesome pics! & fab-fantastic trip * inspires me to plan a getaway with my honey * *
Wow that is soo cool you got to do that. I love these pictures. I"m terrified a shark would get me or i'd suffocate. I'm such a baby!
I am super jealous though that you got to go do this!! Play date for sure!!
Scuba diving is awesome! I am advanced certified and my husband is a rescue diver/divemaster.
We have been to some pretty awesome places. We dove all over French Polynesia including Tahiti, Bora Bora, etc.. as well as all over the Atlantic. We've done everything from shark dives to muck dives, night dives, and shipwreck dives. LOVE it! But it takes some practice to get the feel of it, and if you haven't done it since your cert then I'd say you did really well! Perfect buoyancy takes a lot of practice!!
I like to hold hands with Tony underwater too. There is just something about the peacefulness and serenity of being underwater holding hands with your eternal dive-buddy! Best dates we ever had.
This also inspired me to plan a little staycation with the almost husband (i hate the word fiance). We are huge movie buffs so I'm going to plan a weekend or at least a day of just watching good flicks and eating good snacks.
I love your blog and I still think you're adorable!
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