You, my forever sweet boy, turned 11 months on Valentine's day. You're just 1 month shy of turning [the epic] ONE! To say I'm a proud Mama is an understatement. To say you bring a kind of joy that fills my heart to overflowing wouldn't be saying enough. And there are not words to describe the kind of love I feel for you & your Father when I see you two play together. If I counted the number of times you make my heart smile I know it'd be at least 1,243,660 times ;)
Here are just a few things that you've been doing lately that make my heart smile...

{you've been on this head-tilting kick...whether it's to a stranger playing peek-a-boo with as we wait in the check-out line at the grocery store, or you lean your head on my shoulder after I get you up from your's beyond adorable}

{The other night after a giving you a bath before bed I was trying to put on your diaper...which has turned into wrestling matches lately (haha)...and I decided to let you "roam free." Within about 3 seconds, you pulled yourself up on your rocking chair's ottoman and you let loose to pee on the carpet. I yelped out of surprise!!...which cause you to immediately stop the "leakage" and look at me with a shocked face. Then I was laughing uncontrollably!...only to stop to snap a pic before sanitizing the area. (Can you see the pee, right below the book?...HahAHhahhAhAa)}

{You are magnetized to the remotes in the TV room (you think they're pretty tasty I guess), and the TV for that matter (we'll get an entertainment center for it someday) when Daddy was watching a football game or we were watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, you were a little trooper when we put you in that box to play. Lately you've been a little too cool for your bouncer ;) }

{You have started to pull, crawl, climb, open, squeeze, and wedge yourself into just about anything, anywhere. You get stuck under the bar stools and your high chair often...but don't worry, I always come to your rescue!}

{You LOOOOOOOVVE playing chase around this ottoman! With me on your tail, you go round, and round, and round...}

{These pictures (above and below) are bitter/sweet for me Brooks...the box is one of a few that are filled with clothes that are too small for you. It's fun to go shopping and get bigger clothes for you, my growing boy...but I have a hard time packing up your clothes that have such sweet memories woven into their fabric...I've even kept the ones with stains from the first few times of feeding you solids. Those, I'll keep for memories; but the rest of your little onesies, pants, jackets, and shoes are still fine and they'll be ready for if you have a little brother in the future! isn't that exciting to think about sweet boy??}

{I bought these for you the other day...they're size 18-months...YOU're only 11 months!! please stop growing so fast :) }

{And bath time with you ALWAYS makes me smile...until I have to wash your hair, you most definitely have not liked that lately}

I'll love you forever and ever Brooks.
And one more thing, I canNOT wait for Spring time to get here! Taking you on walks to the park, playing in the yard, baby-swim-lessons at the rec center!!...oh, with you the sun is only going to shine brighter :)
love ALWAYS,
The sweetest letter ever!! He's going to have one great sense of humor!
How sweet is that boy! I have to say I laughed quite a bit at the potty on the carpet. Oh, kids!
Have a sweet day friend!
your babe is so cute! he is going to be so glad you wrote all of this stuff about him one day!!
If I could go back and be a new Mommy, I wish I would be more like you. You're so good at doing the things that most of us wish we would.
I'll try to follow your sweet example and be a better Grandma1
Such a sweet letter. He's adorable.
Beautiful. This will mean so much later on! When I'm a mom in the future I'll be sure to take inspiration from you.
adorable :) can't believe he's almost a year! and i love that he peed on the carpet hahahaha. although you probably didn't like that much! you've got great pictures of him! I love it :)
11 MONTHS? NO way! That is crazy- babies shouldn't be allowerd to grow up...ever;-) That pee story CRACKED ME UP...who knew babies had that kind of control? ha!
Life IS sweet :)
Lovely blog you have here! I adore you photos & all you have to say.
I love the picture of him under the chair! haha.. priceless. He is getting so big! And as always, he is SO cute!
this was priceless. ah, i love this kid. he is way too cute. c:
Haley! You are the BEST mama. So sweet and kind and fun.
I love reading about all of his little milestones. He is such a beautiful and happy baby. And those baby buns? So sweet.
You will be so happy that you documented these amazing little moments with words and photos...and I know Brooks will love to look back on them one day, too. Isn't that just the best thing about blogging!!
p.s. I can so relate to the feelings that you felt boxing up his old clothes. Those are some of my saddest moments. I've been known to sit and cry over Hudson's box of tiny clothes. :(
p.p.s. Keep up these awesome letters, Haley! They are so sweet. I love reading them.
your son is SO adorable! love the dinosaur p.j's :D
So so so sweet!! Our two babes sound the same. Yeah for soon to be first birthdays, that is epic!
naked butt naked butt! i like singing that to my brothers he he
Awww. I love baby bottoms! That's funny that he peed on the floor. Happens though! Even still, I can't wait to be a little momma like you!
Ok you are the is your sweet baby! I love this!! Glad I found your blog! :) Would love for you to check out mine, as well!
So so blasted cute!
Happy weekend guys xx
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