Dear Baby,
Look at you! Well, look at your little arm, your tiny hand, and your precious foot! You were a bit shy and wouldn't show us your face at the 20-week ultrasound yesterday. The ultrasound tech said that you were snuggled right in and your head was down and facing my back...you were obviously pretty comfy because we searched for a long time but you never came out. Maybe come out and say "hi" next time, won't you? :) I'm just glad that you're growing strong and healthy though!! Both Dad and I are so happy. The doctor said your heart rate is great and your measurements are right on...and even moved your due date forward a day, to March 20th!
Well little one, you're now about the size of cantaloupe. A small cantaloupe I think. And at the ultrasound they said you're weighing about 14 ounces. Not even quite a pound, but almost fully developed!! You're such a miracle. OH! And I felt you for the first time this weekend!! It was in the morning...I was still laying in bed after your daddy had gone to the gym, and your sweet brother Brooks had just woken up and was playing in his crib (I just needed a few more minutes to kind of rest) and I felt this wonderful bubble-popping feeling in my lower belly! Oh I knew it was you. And I've felt it a few times since. I canNOT wait to feel you more and more as you get bigger. You're already moving like crazy (we definitely saw that at the ultrasound yesterday:) but as you get larger and your space seems to get smaller, I'll be feeling it all!
I love you baby, forever and ever,
PS - Dad and I went on a date yesterday to catch a matinee movie after your ultrasound. That's where I took my belly photos. :) Oh how I love that Daddy of yours. And can I tell you I'm actually really excited to tote you around on our dates while you're a tiny infant. But once you get too wiggly and bored with us lovebirds we'll have you and Brooks be together with the babysitter ;)

Spiritual Health:
Read Nephi 6-10
"For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost..." Nephi 10:19 -- Adam and I are definitely counting on this scripture :)
Physical Health:
P90x workout (semi-toned down for my pregnant self) with my sister Corrie (she's in town!)
Aw, I miss being pregnant and I love that you went on a date after the ultrasound! I can't wait to see the precious one's face! He or she is going to be gorgeous like her mama or handsome like his dada!
oh you are lovely pregnant!! isnt it wonderful to make a little person with the person you love MOST in the world!!!
Haley, you look beautiful! I loved reading your letter to your precious little one. Glad you got to catch a movie with your lover too. :) I don't know what it is, but I feel like I have the 7 month itch (if there's even such a thing). I've been missing being pregnant..which seriously freaks Adam out. Did you ever have that? Omg there's no way I can get preggo again right now--you think it's just bc Mr. J is such a big guy now?
Anyway, you look awesome.
Are you finding out the sex???
I enjoy taking Elle with us on dates too! It's a lot of fun. She's getting a little big now though. It's hard because i haven't given her a binky or bottle yet, I can only leave her for about 3 hours before she starts needing me again.
You look beautiful, as always and your bump is too cute!
i LOVE when sissies are in town! have a blast!
Gorgeous girl!
I love the little foot! So amazing!!! Hopefully your little one shows his/her face next time! If not, you get to see it in 20 weeks!!
P.S I love the scarf you have tied in your hair. I try to do that but I feel like it looks uncool on me. Haha. You can rock it.
P.P.S P90X...dude. I couldn't even do a full work out of that before I was pregnant! Go girl!
you look so good! love your top.
GAH i love your bump!!!
Oh my word! You are the prettiest pregz mom ever! Love the outfit and the hair and the headband scarf thing! How do you stay so stylish through it all?? It would take a miracle for me to look these good..pregnant or not..lol BEAUTIFUL!
♥Janette, the Jongleur
You look AMAZING!! Reading your posts makes me want to be pregnant SO badly :)
I can't believe you're not going to find out the sex of your baby until your meet him/her. Ah, how will you stand the suspense??
Aw! What cute pictures! :)
I just found your blog, but I really love it! I hope you come by my blog sometime, and maybe even follow! I always love new friends. :)
Ultrasound photos are so special. How exciting! Great blog, girl!
What beautiful photos - I especially love the one where you're making a heart with your hands!
what cute pics. you look darling my dear. So fun ot get to go to the ultrasounds and see everything growing nicely and baby healthy.
That letter you wrote was so sweet! & I'm totally diggin your outfit, love it!
You're not too far along then I am (I'm 16 wks with baby #2) and I sure can't wait for my next ultrasound to find out the sex!
Are you guys finding out the sex or keeping it a secret for when your little bundle finally arrives?
Oh my goodness, I can't believe you are waiting to find out the gender of your sweet baby- you are so strong! I don't think I could do it...I will be surprised enough when my baby comes out looking like a baby and not a Cheez-it or something, ha...that's enough surprise for me!
And after you posted that baby moving felt like bubbles popping I think I was able to recognize mine! I can't be sure but I sure love to think that was it!
You beautiful Mama, you! Love this set of pics even more than the last! That growing baby is giving you quite the lovely glow, my friend! And the happiness that radiates from the two of your is glorious!
So happy that you felt your sweet little one! Won't be long until the bubble popping begins to feel like karate kicks! :)
your so beautiful...love the pics!
I've been so bad at catching up on blogs lately but YOU ARE GORGEOUS. Pregnant looks good on ya ;) I'm already dying to know the gender...ahh! You two are troopers.
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