Dear Baby,
You've been growing in this belly of mine for 33 weeks now...I hope I've made a comfy home for you :) And let me just tell you, please enjoy your stay as long as you want. Your sweet Daddy and I both have a strong feeling that you're going to come early, which is just fine with us (actually makes me giddy thinking about it!) as long as you're healthy. I've been experiencing braxton hicks for the past few weeks, and they've gotten stronger by the day...more intense than I remember when I was pregnant with your older brother. But I welcome them because I know they're part of the whole labor process that's helping get you into my arms :)
Today was Dad's day off...and it was such a good day. We woke up when Brooks woke up and enjoyed breakfast together. You and I shared a glass of soy milk and a yummy piece of toast with peanut butter, bananas, and cinnamon :) And then we got started on clearing out the room that we're going to make your nursery. It's been a catch-all room for boxes full of memories from your Dad's high school wrestling, his mission to Japan, papers from our time at college, and some of our wedding photos and our wedding guest book. I loved that part of the time we were able to reminisce and talk about those fond memories...and then the next minute we talked about how excited we are to have you sleep in this room and about the sweet memories we know will be created there with you. Oh sweetheart I'm so excited to work on your nursery! I've procrastinated much too long, and only have a matter of weeks (7-ish) but I think we'll be able to do it. Like I said earlier, you just stay cozy in my belly as long as you need ;)
Tomorrow I go for a doctor's appointment and I can't wait to hear your heartbeat. Best sound in the world.
Love you forever,
PS - The other night your Dad and I were talking in bed and you started to put on a little show for us. You had us laughing because you made it look like I was belly dancing while laying down! ha! Adam of course put his hand on my belly and felt your little dance moves...we couldn't get enough :)
those pictures are precious! i like the silhouette.
LOVE the silhouette picture!
WOW! it WENT BY SO FAST! already almost there!!!!
that silluette photo is so sweet!
I've been meaning to do a silhouette photo too!! I'll have to do that in the next couple weeks. Love your bump!
You look beautiful mama.. the time is fast approaching. I can't wait to share and read along in your adventure of having two sweet bubs :)
You're getting so close! So exciting! Also, I really love the last picture of Adam's hand on your baby belly. It is really sweet. We love you guys! Hope all is well!
Beautiful! I can't believe your little one is almost here!
The silhouette photo is gorgeous. A treasure for you and that sweet baby FOREVER!
Can't believe it's already been 33 weeks! This pregnancy is really flying by for me (I know I'm just a reader, and YOU are the one experiencing the pregnancy, but EEP! seems like just yesterday you announced that another little love was on the way! Where has the time gone!?)
I never had Braxton Hicks since they had to deliver Hudson early...but I hear they're not that fun. Hang in there, Mama! :(
Good luck with the nursery transfomation...I know you will provide the perfect little nest for that sweet baby of yours. Don't work too hard though!! Precious Cargo! :)
Hope you're having a happy weekend! xo
just found this little treat. you are beautiful. fun to find someone with lots in common.
okay, i'm not really sure if i knew this or not. but this basically is showing me that i need to be reading your blog more often. i had NO idea you were pregnant (that, or i just forgot), but you have just about the cutest little pregnant belly ever!
also, do you know if it's a boy or girl? so very excited for you!!
xo TJ
I am in love with that photo, Haley- so beautiful! We are getting close:-)
you are such a gorgeous mommy, haley. so exciting to see #2 show up! :)
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