I've been excited to create some fun Valentines for the sweet grandparents in our family...I hope this puts smiles on their faces!! I know I sure had a perma-grin while making them during Brooks' nap today :) That photo of him in the tub (first posted here) is a treasure of mine. And tonight he'll be able to draw his own little love note on the back of each one before I send them off in the mail!
Thought I'd share a detailed tutorial if you want to make some for your valentines too :) The possibilities are endless because the photo aspect makes them wonderfully unique...
- photo (I developed more than one for multiple valentines...size 8x8")
- 3 pieces of card stock (I used 2 white and 1 red)
- scissors
- Mod Podge
- pencil
- pen or marker (I used a metallic silver Sharpie)
- Velcro (mine were "Sticky Back" circles from Walmart)
STEP 2 - Cut photo into a heart shape.
STEP 3 - Using your marker, draw puzzle pieces...they'll all be different and imperfect, that's okay :)
STEP 4 - Cut out puzzle pieces.
STEP 6 - Put puzzle together on the red card stock, pressing each piece so that the bottom Velcro sticks...then when you lift off the puzzle piece you'll have the top Velcro on the puzzle piece and the bottom Velcro on the red paper in the spot it's supposed to be :)
STEP 7 - Using the pencil, trace where each puzzle piece on the red paper...then use the marker on top of the pencil lines.
STEP 8 - Cut out the heart...leaving about a 1/2-inch boarder around the marked puzzle.
STEP 9 - Spread a thin layer of Mod Podge on the back of the heart.
STEP 10 - Press and smooth the heart onto the second piece of white card stock...making your puzzle base.
STEP 11 - Leaving another 1/2-inch boarder, cut around the puzzle base...I created a small scalloped design with my scissors.
STEP 12 - Put puzzle together on your finished Valentine!

PS - I put my puzzle pieces into an envelope that I'll put with the puzzle base (with a message on back) and send them off in a manila envelope :)
PPS - You can see the Valentines we sent out last year here!
PPPS - I'm sharing my tutorial over at the lovely blog, WhipperBerry!! Go and you'll get all sorts of fantastic inspiration...that blog is a favorite of mine :)
Spiritual Health:
Read "Exhort Them to Pray" by President Henry B. Eyring
I loved how President Eyring said that when he was a young boy he prayed with a picture of God in his mind...but He was far away. As the years have passed and his faith has grown stronger, that picture of Heavenly Father is now of Him being very close and He is filled with light and love for him as His son. What a blessing to know that when my family and I pray, we are praying to our Heavenly Father who wants to listen and wants to communicate with us, his children :)
CUTEST idea ever! I may have to do this :D
awesome! I love this idea. Priceless Valentine's Day gift. I'll have to try this out for Noah. Hope you're doing well Haley!
OH Haley, you never cease to amaze me. This is the cutest valentine idea I have ever seen. I'm going to pin it to my pinterest for me to do someday when I learn how to cut out a heart. I'm serious. I struggle. My hearts always look terrible whether it is cutting them out or drawing them. I'll practice for next year ;)
Oh my goodness. You have to be the most fun mom out there. This is such a cute idea!
You send out custom-made valentines?? That's just about the most endearing thing ever. I bet you all of little B's grandparents (especially those grandmas) just about die when they get these in the mail. And I can just imagine them giggling to themselves as they put the little pieces of Brooks together. Love it <3
So stinkin' cute Haley! I did steal your idea last year for Lily :) May have to again this year...just keep 'em coming! Your little family is adorable!! - Laura
This is great to be able to enjoy this wonderful Valentine so many ways...first, thru this tutorial; second, as I anticipate it each day in the mail; and so many times as I have fun putting it together!!!! You know how I love putting puzzles together! :) Thank you, thank you! for going this extra mile. We will cherish this. And we still have last years smiling down on us from the the picture gallery on the top of Dad's desk. WE LOVE THESE FUN CREATIONS!!!! Keep 'em coming!
xoxoxo Mom
Wow that is sooo cute, awesome idea! You made it so perfectly as well, well done! :)
How fun that your idea is popping up on pinterest! It is darling and a perfect picture for valentines too! I am dying to do something cute like this...I'll see if I get around to it. :)
You are seriously the CRAFTIEST and CUTEST and most CREATIVE little Mama ever. This is a wonderful idea and your instructions are so perfectly clear and understandable....
Those grandparents are going to be beaming with joy when they get this beautiful Valentine! AND I love the picture of Brooks that you chose....sooooo sweet!
I'm in the mood for LOVE (and Valentine's Day.)
How could they not love those- they are so amazingly cute!
Cute and FUN!
What an adorable idea! My son would have fun with something like that! I'd be thrilled if you'd share it at my party if you get a minute!
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