This mama of yours can't seem to get enough of you. You are at such a fun (and oh-so sassy) age! You'll be two next month...what in the world?? And do you know what else is happening next month? You're going to be an older brother. A baby boy or girl is going to join our little family, and he or she is going to be so lucky to be your younger sibling! A lot is going to change when we bring that little one home...and this mama of yours prays every day that she can balance it all. Your baby brother or sister is going to take a lot of my time...I know this because when you were an infant you took up every second of my time, and I LOVED IT. I day dream sometimes about the days when you were an infant...just you & me at home :)
Brooks, please know that I'm going to do my best to care for the both of you. It's going to be a learning process for all of us I think. Goodness I'm getting a lump in my throat as I type this... While lots will change, there will be much that will stay the same...we'll still be able to mold play-doh together (I'll probably just have one hand available), we'll still have multiple dance parties together every day, we'll still have our little grocery store dates and share a donut from the bakery (little one will stay home with Daddy), we'll still enjoy plenty of snuggles after your bath time...

PS - You were so adorable yesterday...after "writing" your own little love notes on the back of your Valentines, we sent them off in the mail to your sweet Grandparents. You seemed so proud carrying them into the post office :)
Beyond adorable :) :)
I really love it when you do these!
I love the picture of you and Brooks at the beginning. You are such a good mom Haley, you will find the balance you are looking for, but it takes time. Don't feel like as soon as you have the baby and are home that you will be a pro at the 2 kid thing. It is hard, and you will have days where you just scoop Brooks up and kiss him and love on him for 10 minutes straight because you feel like he isn't getting enough attention. That is how I was with Grant. The good thing about newborns is that they sleep a lot, so you are able to still spend time with Brooks alone. Kids are better at adjusting than we are as adults, he will love being a big brother. And the first time you are driving in the car and you hear them cracking up at each other in the back, your heart will melt and you will say, "It's so worth it!!!" So fun and so wonderful! I'm excited for this change in your family's life. You and Adam have made such a darling little boy, I'm excited to see how equally darling this one will be!
So sweet, this made me tear up.
So excited for you and everything that God is doing in your life!
I love these posts! I have no doubt you will be able to balance both precious babies :)
CUTEST lil flier i ever did see!
This post made me shed tears. It is just so dear to my heart.. I can only imagine the joy you will have with two little ones at home, and the way you will still make the time to do one on one every so often.. it just melted my heart.
Brooks has no idea how much sweeter life is about to get :)
Oh he is just so adorable!! Love that pic of him flying and his cute valentines. :)
He melts my heart. I hope I can handle one with as much love and grace as I know you will handle two with.
Oh girly what a sweet post! It's so crazy that you're going to have TWO little one's soon! Sometimes I think, "How could I love the second or third as much as I love Jude?" But then I remember how mom's before always said, "You might think that way, but that baby is born and you love it just as much." So excited! Your post about cookies and card games on Facebook gave me the visual of a husband and wife just waiting for their baby to come. Any time now!
Let me dry my tears....oooh Haley, you have a way with words. Especially when writing to your sweet little one(s)! Brooks is going to be the BEST big bro ever...and you are one of the most loving and kind Mama's I have ever "met"...I have NO doubt that you will be the most wonderful mother to those TWO sweet babies.
Thinking about you and your family as you are getting ready to embark on a VERY special journey as a family of four. :) And hugs to Brooks...I want to pinch his sweet cheeks in that precious last picture!
You are such an awesome, sweet, loving and beautiful mother. I hope to be just like you when we have kids...and I mean that! :)
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