Dear Baby Ava,
I really did think I'd be writing you (as the baby in my belly) a 40-week letter. But this letter comes to you now that you're here!! You are here and in my arms. I'm actually writing the text of this letter on my phone as you nurse. Feeding you in the middle of the night is tiring, to say the least, but I absolutely love this time with just you and me, in the still, quiet darkness. I'm in heaven listening and feeling your sweet little nose breathe right up against my skin, your tiny hand with long fingers is resting on to my chest, and I've only had to tickle your feet twice to wake you up to keep eating ;)
I can't believe just 5 days ago you were in my belly. A part of me misses it...but OH, I am loving having you in my arms finally! When I hold you real close, your little movements, especially your hiccups, feel so familiar to me. Last night your sweet Dad was holding you and you started to get the hiccups...he was so worried because they were jolting your little body. I assured him it was okay, and that I remember feeling you have hiccups a lot toward the end of my pregnancy with you. The worried look stayed on his face though until your tiny body relaxed. He sure loves you little one.
And Ava thank you so much for being such a calm, sweet baby. You had high levels of bilirubin at the hospital, so now that we're home we've had to have you spend most of your time in a bili-bed (your little UFO, as Dad calls it). You're such a trooper and have been wonderful to sleep so much, and so well, in it. Your easy going nature has also made it so that your big brother still gets lots of Mommy and Daddy time too :) We're still working on helping Brooks understand that you're his sister, but soon enough I know he's going to be loving on you all the time and you two will be the best of friends!
Oh Ava girl, I'm so grateful your loving Heavenly Father sent you to us. This Momma of yours is head over heels. So thrilled you are ours forever! But now I've got to put you back to bed...sweet dreams little one.
PS - Here are some photos your Dad took...a fun before-and-after comparison don't you think? The left is just an hour before you joined our family, and the right was when you were barely 2 days old, both in front of the hospital bed you were born in :)
This post is so beautiful, way to make me start bawling this early in the morning. I am so happy for you guys!
I love the before and after picture at the hospital! So cute! I am so happy for you and Adam, and little girls are so much fun as I'm sure your finding out :)
Congrats! Love the comparison photos! so precious!
oh goodness, this is by far the cutest little letter i have ever read. you and your husband are just so sweet natured toward your children. i'm so happy that baby ava is doing well and going easy on all of you. can't wait to know what this feels like some day :)
xo TJ
oh, and that before and after shot is absolutely breathtaking!!
Love the before and after Haley! I'm so happy Ava is here and that she is such a good baby. Middle of the night is hard, but there is nothin like that one on one time!
Ooh this post was so cute! I can't wait to meet little Ava! She is darling. Love the before and after pictures . . . so cute!
Congratulations!! AH! I can't believe she's already here! ANd I'm so excited that it's little miss ava! :D
So sweet!
congrats haley! she sure is beautiful! cannot wait to see more pictures of your sweet new family of four!
haley! this post is gorgeous on like 9 thousand diff levels. LOVE that before/after shot. you inspire me to be a mommy. so beautiful.
Ummm...HELLO. you look amazing! I love that last picture of you--one minute you're pregnant, and a couple hours later you're holding your precious little girl. I can't tell you enough how completely over-the-moon I am for your little family. <3
TEARS OF JOY ARE IN MY EYES!! So happy for you...She is breathtakingly beautiful, just like her mama! Congrats!!!
Love your pictures! You and your baby look beautiful! Congratulations again! What a sweet little girl! I am so happy for you guys! She is so adorable!
ohh Hales I just LOVE you!!! This little angel of yours is just a dream and I want to meet her sooo bad!! It seems like just yesterday that little (or should I say "big") B was born! Your pictures are amazing, you have always had such a talent for capturing the most treasurable moments. Love you soo much and am soo excited for you, Adam and Brooks to have little Ava Lu in your family now!!
ah if only you knew just how much i sit here and swoon. she is precious!!!!! and one day, she's gonna look at this blog and read your words and love it.
Congrats Haley! She is absolutely beautiful!! Seriously! So glad things are going well and you finally get to hold your little girl in your arms! I have baby fever x20 now! ;)
Dear, sweet Haley...sounds like your heart just grew a whole size bigger to encompass all the LOVE you have for that sweet little girl. She is beyond beautiful. So happy to hear that she is easy-going, and that Brooks is transitioning well. Love the before and after pic...good job, Dad!
Oh my goooooodness! WHERE HAVE I BEEN?? You have a baby girl!! AH! Congratulations! I am so so happy for you! She is so perfect and I LOVE her name! Oh Haley, I am so happy for your sweet family!
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