in no particular order...

Walking into our room // Our first family photo

Relaxing with my baby girl // Flowers from loved ones

Mama time for Brooks, Capri Sun in-hand // Tender kisses from Grandma Stum

Sweet dreams after a good feeding // Walking Ava back from bili-light treatment in the nursery
Brooks being introduced to Ava, a bit unsure // Little B loooooved my hospital phone
Sweet Daddy & Brooks snuggled, singing songs // Lots of smiles from Dad & Mom
Counting Ava's ten, tiny toes // Looking up at her loving Grammie Kjar

Ava's first kisses from her big brother // Daddy's cuddles in the sunlight
Holding Daddy's thumbs tight // In Mama's arms
Leaving the hospital as a family of FOUR // Buckled up & ready to go home sweet home!
This post was made possible by my incredible Mom who's been staying with, cleaning, folding laundry, playing with Brooks, and snuggling I can nap, nurse, get one-on-one Brooks time, and right now, blog :) Love you Mom!
Spiritual Health:
Read "To Acquire Spiritual Guidance" by Richard G. Scott
"I witness that as you gain experience and success in being guided by the Spirit, your confidence in the impressions you feel can become more certain than your dependence on what you see or hear."
How incredibly adorable are all of these photos! Ava is just a total sweetheart!
All beautiful! She's gorgeous xx
you guys look so happy! and gosh you look beautiful! many more congrats and glad you have your mom there with you!
I love the pictures! Soo cute! Congrats on your beautiful addition!
so adorable! You are making me excited for my babe to come in September! Congrats again!
These photos are perfect...she is so beautiful!You are giving me baby fever over here!
Beautiful! Wow. I'm so in awe of this. What a blessing. Congrats again to your little fam of 4 now!
you have SUCH beautiful children. i can only hope mine will be 1/2 as cute ;)
get lots of sleep pretty mama!!
xo TJ
LOVE this post and all its sweet photos and captions. you caught some wonderful moments. you are a blessed lady with a lovely family! so happy for you!
I think I about cried out of happiness from every single picture. They are lovely Haley :) what sweet memories..
Those photos are SO tender, Haley and I love that your mom is there with you! She's so amazing!
so sweet and precious and tender and fleeting are these beautiful moments. So glad you documented them...and that you made time to share with us. LOTS of love to you and the fam.
p.s. tell Ava she's a DOLL!!!!!
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