They have some of the biggest hearts...so it didn't surprise me one bit when Penny told me about how her daughter Brinklee (5 years old, but 4 at the time) saw a commercial for Operation Smile and wanted so badly to help those sweet children who had cleft lips/palates. So Brinklee and her little sister Bryndee saved up all their money to donate, and after a couple months had $25. How awesome! Well, each surgery costs $250...so they took action and planned a Lemonade/Bake Sale to earn the rest of the money! They built a DARLING lemonade stand with their daddy, and Penny invited friends, family, and neighbors to come join in on the fun for a great cause. Our congregation from church even got in on it! The event was last night, and to say it was a success is an understatement. Along with my chocolate chip cookies and my friend Kira's rice crispy treats, there were dozens and dozens of delicious baked goods and fresh, ice-cold lemonade for people to enjoy and then donate as much as they wanted to Operation Smile. And by the end of the night they had raised $1,198.89 for Operation Smile!!! That's enough for 5 children to get needed surgeries!
All because sweet little girls, with big hearts, wanted to help others. :) How lucky we are to have such sweet, inspiring friends!
How sweet that such a little girl can have such a big heart!So glad to hear it went well!Your Ava is getting so,so big!
Penny's girls are beautiful inside and out, how neat that they thought of this idea. I love the cute lemonade stand! I wish so much I could have been there, everything looks delicious! I'm glad they were able to raise so much money for a great cause!
Haley- We are so blessed, how could we not do this?! And what an amazing friend to support us!! I can't even read your blog without getting emotional! :) I am very proud of my girls for the love they have for others. They were born HAPPY and LOVING! I am so lucky! Thank you for sharing their story! Love you so much!
Oh my goodness what adorable, sweet girls! They are going to go far in life. :)
Haley! This brought tears to my eyes! What a wonderful thing to do for such a WONDERFUL cause. I'm in awe of amazing people that know how to make things happen!! Sounds like these little girls are off to an awesome start.
And this bake sale is by far the CUTEST thing I've ever seen! No wonder they racked up the $$$! If I was there I'd take one of everything. YUM. (I have a sweet tooth.) (AND a big heart for kids in need.)
p.s. Thanks to spotty internet at my parents' house, I've been away from my favorite blog (pssst...that's yours) for far too long. Please forgive my infamous blog comment bombardment tonight. I've missed you and your sweet fam...I need to catch up!
p.s.s. No worries about commenting on my house situation. I've been totally vague about it (ha!) so most of my bloggy friends do think we are already "home"...but not yet. We have been at my parents' since February. And will probably be here another few months. Sheesh! ;) Long story short-- we were planning to buy a certain house when we sold ours, then the lady backed out on us because she was emotionally attached to the house. :( Sad times. Then after a couple of months of searching to no avail, we FINALLY decided what to do. So we're currently building our house, and I'm so thankful. Sometimes God works in mysterious ways, but I'm so excited that things worked out this way. Thank you for checking on us!! xoxo
What a sweet celebration! Little children are so inspiring to me. They really open their hearts and give what they can. I think I could use a few more kids in my life who want to help in every way!
how sweet are they!!
This made me tear up! So sweet! What a great lesson to teach our children, and good for that mama who was willing to put so much into allowing her children to help out those kids in need. LOVE THIS!
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