We're almost to the third trimester! Wahoooo!! Okay, I just had to let that out. :) You're about the size of an eggplant now. And you've been soaking up my anti-bodies to build up your immune system so that you can fight off germs once you get out into the world. I hope and pray you don't get sick as an infant, I have a few friends whose little ones have caught bad bugs lately and it just breaks my heart. So I better go make me a green smoothie full of spinach to give you some good vitamins!
Thinking of sharing a green smoothie with you makes me happy :) And you know what else makes me happy?? Knowing who's going to take your newborn photos! I entered a giveaway last week for a photography session by a wonderful photographer...and we won!! Soon after you're born in March, we'll be able to get all sorts of sweet photos of you...in all your tiny, precious infant glory. Oh I am giddy :)
And little one, I may already be embarrassing you...that first picture of me wrapped up in the Christmas lights sure made your Daddy-o get a good laugh while taking the picture!...behind my grin I'm actually trying to hold back the giggles too! I look kinda silly I think, but I've seen similar photos that are just darling and thought we could add a little Christmas cheer to this baby-bump photo journal. There are just 5 days left 'til Christmas! Can you feel my anticipation?? :)
Love you always,
PS - Dad took the baby bump shots of me before church on Sunday, and later Sunday night the extended Kjar family got together and the young cousins read the story of Christ's birth from the Bible. The kids each had a part and got dressed up to act while the story was being told...your older brother was supposed to be one of the wise men. But he wasn't in the mood to wear his regal robe and crown, but instead took a front seat for the little play and snuggled with his yellow blankie...such a sassy little guy he is. I wonder what kind of personality you'll have... :)
Spiritual Health:
Read Moroni 2-6
Very short chapters...but full of incredible verses, including the sacramental prayers. I'm so grateful for the sacrament and the chance each Sunday I have to renew my covenants I made at baptism and think of my Savior and His ultimate sacrifice.
Physical Health:
30 minutes of the elliptical at home and lots of stretching...stretching never felt so good!
That Christmas light photo is the BEST EVAR.
Congrats on winning! That's so awesome and love the lights wrapped around your belly! I would SO do something like that too haha
haha that picture of brooks made me laugh. such a cutie.
Oooh... you are the CUTEST! Love the lights around your baby belly :)
Aww, such CUTE pictures!! You and baby are on your way now!! :)
Kim @ Little Rays of Sunshine
The Christmas light photo is so adorable!
These pictures are so cute. Loving the bump in stripes xx
I like the Christmas lights picture! :) You are the cutest pregnant woman ever!
Oh my gosh you make such a beautiful prego! I only hope that when it's my turn I can look as good as you!
Gorgeous bump you have there lady. Kellie xx
love the baby bump + christmas lights of joy! so happy and beautiful!
You look adorable, Haley! I am SO EXCITED to be in the third trimester soon too, it just seems crazy, ha!
Congrats on winning the photo shoot!
Haley! I almost just fell out of my chair....your rendition of the Christmas light photo is ABOVE AND BEYOND! So so pretty!!!! :D What a festive way to decorate that sweet bump! I love love love it.
teehee. Love that sassy little Brooks. :)
love the lights on your belly!
so cheery and sweet!
OH my freaking gosh! so i've been skimming through your posts (since its been a while since i've visted your little adorable blog) and holy what! you're gonna have another baby??? so. exciting. <3 much love!
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