Today is February 29th (Happy Leap Day!) and that means tomorrow I'm going to be able to say you'll be coming this month. It's still surreal knowing that just days from now we'll be bringing your sweet, tiny body home from the hospital. Oh, just typing that made my heart skip a beat! We're still getting things ready at home for your arrival...sorry this mama of yours waits 'til the last minute for just about everything. Here are a few things that your Daddy and I have been working on...
double stroller (still researching...)
newborn diapers
fresh, white onesies (can't have enough:)
new rocking chair (early mother's day present from daddy!)
lamp for nursery
I'm hoping by this weekend we'll get it all crossed off (minus the double stroller, we don't need it right away...but when we do find the right one I can't wait to go on walks with you & your brother this spring!)...especially considering my doctor recently said that you may make your big entrance 7-10 days early!! That's just 2 weeks away. But who really knows when you'll come? Only you & your sweet Heavenly Father I guess, just the way it should be :)
I love you baby! And I hope you enjoyed the bowl of Apple Jacks I've been eating while writing this letter to you :)
Love always,
PS - Just thought I'd share these sweet photos of your Dad setting up your crib earlier this week...I soaked up every minute of watching him lovingly put it together. You'll have countless dreamy nights in there...and someday you may end up using it as a bounce house like your brother sometimes does with his ;)

Spiritual Health:
Reread one of my very favorite, oh-so eloquent, and beautiful testimonies of our Savior. I first read Elder Neal A. Maxwell's "Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King" in December 2007 (it was republished from a past General Conference address). I was dating Adam at the time, and Elder Maxwell's testimony of a loving, all-knowing brother who is my Savior and Redeemer really moved me. He said, "I thank Him for His discerning way of knowing us without controlling us, for never letting the needs of now crowd out the considerations of eternity." What beautiful words that I needed as I was prayerfully considering marrying Adam...best decision I've ever made :)
First of all, you look adorable! I love your top! When I am at the end, I feel like a whale, but you look so cute! Also, I love the crib stet up, hah, We just took ours down last week and it made me cry.
Oh Haley you're so sweet! Your belly is just fantastic--especially while wrapped in that beautiful blouse! And you have my heart totally fluttering over here just thinking of a little newborn baby in clean white onesies. Oh goodness, give them baby lots of belly runs for me.
so sweet, all of this, the letter, the pictures of bump, the putting together of the crib.. I had Liv at 38 weeks, she just deciced she was ready to come into the world, so week 37 was just bliss for me as I had no idea in a few days baby would come..
Sorry ive been m.i.a.life has been busy but I have been thinking of you often and love reading when I get the chance.
you look beautiful Haley, truly beautiful :)
It's unbelievable how good pregnancy looks on you and how beautiful you look! Ahh baby's arrival is coming close, can you hardly wait? So excited for you and your beautiful fam :)
ahh my gosh. lots of smiles for you over here! soon enough, that little one will be on your blog. can't wait to see that precious face. these pictures warmed my heart. how. exciting.
you are the cutest pregnant girl I have ever seen! I can't wait to see pics of your sweet little baby! :)
You are so pretty!! I love the crib and you got a ton crossed off your list!! I can't wait for next month!
This is so exciting! I love reading about all the excitement happening in your home:)
Ahhh you're getting so very close! I can't wait! I am so excited to see what it is! Saying prayers for you in this next month! Maybe you will deliver on my birthday in 2 weeks! ;) the 14th
Hope you're having a great week!
Still look amaaazing pretty momma!
you look so great haley, i hope to look as fab as you when i'm pregnant! so exciting that baby number 2 will be here soon!
i am so happy i stumbled across your blog.
so stinkin cute.
you are so cute prego!!!
and you and your family are stunning.
darling blog!
I think you and I are crib buddies-I think Cooper bought the same white crib for our little guy! You look ADORABLE girl- not long now!
oh goodness, you are just the cutest little preggers ever! that's so exciting that sweet baby number 2 will be making his / her grand entrance in just a few short weeks. you both are just such great parents! :)
xo TJ
I can NOT believe the big day is so near! Seems like just yesterday you said you were pregnant...so happy we got to join you on this beautiful journey! Your bump photos have always been so sweet, but not near as sweet as the words you write from the heart to this already VERY loved little baby of yours. Can't wait to see him (or her)...but I think I'm guessing a him. ;) hee hee.
p.s I LOVE the crib!!
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